chapter twenty eight

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After a couple hours, Lucifer had been asleep for about 5 hours and counting. He's probably having such a good dream. Though I'm curious, what exactly is he dreaming about? "Paimon... Paimon."

Huh? Someone calling my name or am I delusional. "Paimon..... Paimon!" Okay I'm definitely not going insane. "It's me Lucifer. I'm meeting you to do a favor for me." Confused, what-how is he talking about using his mouth?!

"I'm stuck in the dream world meaning I can't necessarily leave but that's for another time, for now go to the breaker and cut the wires I believe there's only one then come back and sleep okay?"

Asking no questions I got straight to work on putting those wires. Opening the breaker I cut the wire with safety pliers then as instructed to do I fell asleep.

"Glad you finally came around." Paimon waking up, he sat still rather confused on what's happening. Lucifer sat in front of Paimon calmly explaining what's going on and how. After finishing they both got to work trying to understand the last part to the puzzle. And that process weird-eldritch even. And only Paimon seemed to notice.

Looking at Lucifer. Everything seemed fine but was I seeing things? Stuttering Lucifer turned around. "You okay?" I snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just zoning out." That was a lie though, I wasn't actually fine I'm just pretending to be alright when I'm not.

Quickly moving on I head over to the opposite corner checking for any clues and something we could use to grab things located in hard to reach spots. I was searching for it when Lucifer came up behind me. "Hey buddy, I found something." Giving a wonky smile.

Lucifer came up spotting me reaching a hand out for the item. When I was about to touch it Lucifer said "Paimon don't!" Quickly looking I see the figure. I backed myself into a corner. "Oh no...." I began to panic, I could see the creature come in closer to me. I thought it was the end.

Then Lucifer swiftly shot the thing. I rushed out of the corner hiding myself behind Lucifer. Shielding myself I want as Lucifer shoots the thing till it became lifeless. "Thank you!" I hugged tightly, I'm sure how to thank him. "You're welcome." He said putting the gun away.

"Wait! Let me see that for a second please." Handing Paimon the gun Paimon pointed to the glass shooting it. The entire glass panel shattered into a million pieces. Crawling over Paimon quickly picks up the key and wrench.

He unscrewed the vent before reaching up in there straight up with his hand. He goes over opening the latch. Lucifer goes over seeing that there's more to this than he thought originally.

Going up the ladder we come across an obstacle course. Amazed I rushed over to check it out but Paimon held me back saying 'shh' putting a finger to his lips. Quickly I see a creature pro lie on the patrol for something. I began questioning him when he said "you're going to get us killed!" He said well he leaned his body to the side.

"What do you mean?!" Pissed he spoke.

"These aren't normal entities. These are part of a notorious group called 'Shadow demons' please answer these will tear you to shreds if they see you."

I can't believe what I was hearing. "These! These could tear me to shreds? No way, I'm way too powerful."

"Compared to these, no you're not. You only make up 0.000000001% of their power while they're millions! Trillion times more powerful than any of us combined and that's only one. Imagine that compared to-"

"Stop! I see what you're saying. So your point is-"

"Neither of us even come close when comparing ourselves to these creatures." Satan said crawling from the corner.

"What! You're here? I thought you said-"

"I know what I said but for now let's get a move on."


"Because.... Because they'll find you if we're sitting there."

"And if they catch us?"

"Then they'll kill you!"

Tearing his face, Lucifer and Paimon Vanoss hoping to find a hiding place before they got killed.

Meanwhile back in the clouds, Satan and Aiyn we're laughing hysterically at them. "Oh my!" Aiyn laughed. "They look so goofy scurrying off from fear."

"Yeah! It's like they're scared of the harmless creature!" Satan was laughing so hard he thought he was going to faint.

"I can't breath." Satan said. "Neither can I!" Aiyn replied. Both solely calmed down before continuing to watch the Duo try to find a place to hide.

Paimon and Lucifer ran but they couldn't stop. Until Lucifer said "you have to go on we'll catch you!" Then Paimon asks. "What about you?" Lucifer sighed. "I'll hold them off but for now I'm buying you some time to go. Now!"

Paimon instantly took off down the tunnel not looking back but for Lucifer, he was being gobbled up by the surrounding demons. While being eaten he croaked, "good luck Paimon...." Before suffering his demise.

Now Paimon's all alone with nobody to protect him anymore except.... "Lucifer's gun." Paimon realize the strength of hope he has. I guess I'll need you but I need some more bullets because I'm running low. Just send a packet drop from the ceiling, "oh that's weird." Starting a demonic creature he shot it with his new found weapon. "I guess I was right after all." He said to himself

As he continues on he saw another bullet pack. "I'll be snatching those!" He sang. Collecting these on his way he came across what seems like a game. A shooting game.

I love these types of games. But I can't right now. Paimon shaking his head told himself that he's animation and can't be distracted by silly little games no matter what. Watching his hand down he walked away ignoring it.

Time shortly passed by and Paimon's searching once again for any way leading to an exit. For Lucifer he actually awoke with Aiyn plus Satan standing over him, unsure what to think they teleported him and Paimon to level two without either one's intuition nor intelligence.

Lucifer appears back in the maze need to find Paimon before sunrise, if not they suffer consequences.

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