chapter forty four

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I moved my head in a days failing to remember my fall down. I'd landed on something soft and resistant to my fall making my landing non painful.

It had cushioned my body from damaging myself. Well I gradually recovered to my fullest my hearing didn't as cheers, revo's and claps we're sounding from all directions. Taking sometime to think clearly I came to all my senses figuring out where the noise came from.

The ringing stopped and so has my headache. I gave myself a shot at standing wanting to see if I'm capable of being rather steady on both feet. Once I studied my balance I was able to walk with a bit of a struggle.

Wobbly I had to keep going knowing that sitting around was not going to make it any better. As I started wandering down this Erie tunnel I could feel eyes watching from all sides. Leading to Mike answers so I gathered the courage and follow further into the tunnel.

Sounds of interest in freaking step made my stomach all queasy when crossing these rail-less Bridges coming on to the other side. I swear down here is an entire Mastermind maze you really got to be intelligent to do this.

Without any consideration Belphegor was walking in circles. He's been doing circles over and over again repeatedly taking the same turn not paying any attention in the slightest. After what felt like an hour he sat down taking a rest.

"This shit is so fucking irritating."

"Can somebody who's ugly senseless and non versatile by all means of the mind." Replied a voice.

Belphegor sigh. "Who are you and what are you trying to tell me, hm? That I'm incompetent and very gullible?" Raising about. Now searching around looking for this mysterious voice.

"Hm, don't find me anywhere. Look down below." Belphegor glances over passed the walk to arrow Park pigment I scaring from amongst the tumbling rocks and stones.

Jumping back he started "who are you?!" By no means aware of this doll? "What?" Walking out of the obscurity he walks as this little antique doll stumbling forward.

"People call me the doll puppeteer master or what most people like to call me is the Meisterpupenspieler or Master puppeteer in English." She announced with about introducing herself to the deadly sin.

A little flabbergasted by such an entrance I couldn't help but feel a bit enthralled but all this so right as I let my feet touch the ground she became a living doll.

Wearing a gorgeous dress I asked "wow do you not mind explaining how you look stunning! Oh and these flowers, they're just so lovely-"

"Hands off! Have you ever heard respect? Since I personally believe you need some bitch." Stopping him across the face she knocked him to the floor and throbbing pain. "Ow! Why did you do that?" Standing up the puppeteer said. "Learn to respect other people's things." She finished giving a snobby look.

As she walked away Belphegor said. "Wait. Miss puppeteer, do you know by chance where the abandoned theater by any odds is because I'm trying to find-"

"Answers. Yeah I know where the theater is because I own it."

"Well that's great news. Let me just follow you and-"

"No, you're not following me. After what you did."

Belphegor apologized and politely asked again this time if he may follow her. Feeling reluctant she gave a sigh and nodded her head yes before heading off.

I couldn't help but feel reluctant against him though I thought to give him another chance to prove to me that he's not an immature demon again or otherwise I'll have to kick him out like the rest of them.

Following her as they navigate through these tunnels. Belphegor asks "By the way what's your name because master puppeteer or whatever can't actually be your name right?" He asked awaiting an answer.

"Well.." she started. "My name isn't actually puppeteer. People call me it as a nickname."

"So then what's your actual name?"

"My actual name is Alaeza or doll for short." She said as they came to these red rusted double covered doors. Ugh, guess I got to talk to Aiyn when he's officially out of his sub conscious coma.

While upon admission its theater presence had seemed so very welcoming as something in its ambience or aura gave me the general thrill that goes down here with each given performance in which I assume the spirit's rather enjoyed by what I heard previously.

"Wow. What a lovely theater you have Miss Alaeza." Giving a warm smile. Of course believing this to be a welcoming gesture she thanked him and went on stage. Going behind the curtains Belphegor ran to catch up.

Running onto the stage Belphegor was met with bright candle lights coming from in front of the curtains. Stopping Belphegor slowly walked through carefully to avoid damaging or wrecking Alaeza's wonderful props she's worked effectively on for probably multiple pain stacking days.

But while Belphegor was admiring her realistic props Alaeza quickly shoved him on the other side and said to stay there before jumping onto the upper space above.

Hearing a voice speak he assumed that Alaeza was going to start a play so he decided to explore the back area hidden within the guest blind spot.

Going through Alaeza's shelf full of scripts he sees one that catches his eye. Picking it up Belphegor blew the dust off then took his arm to it.

'the two legends beyond the world'. Belphegor thinking this to be some sort of funny thing he wanted to wait till the show was over to ask about it.

About an hour passed and Alaeza was giving her final words when she said "thank you all and goodnight!" Before shutting the curtains. Saying farewells to her mini staff Belphegor threw down the script and said "what's this about?" Seemingly the furious replied with, "sit down, I'll explain."

(Unedited) Ancient tales beyond the world(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now