Chapter Fifty six

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Waking up from a howling noise. Being suddenly scared out of your slumber doesn't seem the greatest way to wake but the moment he heard wolf howls coming from the deeper side of the forest, the new it was high to which locations.

He made a fire then grabbed a random stick off the ground to light. Following that incident will Verizon had begun trailing further towards the Hop to the point where his legs were shaking.

The forest has grown very cold and freaky. The trees all around seemed to have died, thick smog covered the woods only having the mossy forest floor between his toes.

Liquid cane oozing between my toes as I walked along the trail, it like the air around me increased in density seeing that I'm struggling to breathe as every breath feels more and more shallow.

I couldn't help to think that I would survive a night outdoors, with pain in my eyes, tears beacon to form as it now felt like puns of rocks build my lungs.

Blankly staring towards the treetops I couldn't see the sky because of how impenetrable the smoggy weather group out to be. I believe that I was going to die do to the lap of oxygen I been receiving in such conditions.

These fel t like I could paint or pass out at any given chance if I continued moving higher and higher.

Hope began to pay I ended up stumbling upon this large dead flower witch was wuthering away. Afraid and weak to touch it I thought back the urges to give in submitting myself to the darkness.

Right as I'm inches away I hear loud what steps approaching. Hearing their subtle breath could literally feel somebody just breathing down my neck sending strippers down my spine.

Bushes suddenly start wrestling, branches start napping making me back away but while I walked backwards I ended up tripping over a stone resulting in slamming my head onto the dirt.

Watching the fire get put out to smithereens I looked up to see this decaying ear like bigger with piercing white eyes. It's tall lengthy body stood over me.

Immediately freaking out I fact myself into a tree. Eyes darting back and forth shaking rapidly. Covering my head a being took down the creature before everything turn to right, lovely Sun weather.

I became astonished when a Mexican rap it crushing its entire body. I stood-walking over to the fairy. "Hello, are you Savi?" Same question she honestly didn't know what to expect now.

Keeping their hand out. "Yes I am. Who are you?"

"Leviathan." He answered.

Speaking she said "Leviathan, do you have 375 rupees?"

Digging through his pockets he pulled out the 375 rupees needed. After he placed the bag in the palm of her hand.

Drinking it in she screamed in the delight. "Ah yes, I've returned to my full power." leaning forward. "What are you wanting my dear!"

Leviathan explained and brought up that she could apparently upgrade the tunic giving him the ability to breathe underwater for 5 minutes.

Giving a reassuring hand she lists out the three things you'll need to get. Shiny blue sea show, seaweed and lastly, sparkling water. Reading over with the murmured, three shiny blue sea shells, 10 seaweed, lastly, five bottles of sparkly water.

The items over Savi sent him off collect items required. The first thing heal get is the seaweed do to where he got you gather it. Grabbing a piece of wood he used it to slide down the hill to reach the bottom quicker.

Arriving at the bottom ee talk ed it to the side and went back to the shower water to Jagger the seaweed needed for the upgrade. Placing these into the bag he went on to call it out when he looks beanies seeing three other kiwi he had to gather.

Irish moss, help and red algae were another type that he needed 10 of as well. No clue where to find those he spotted a small pond not to to far from the first one.

Leviathan had ended up finding the shells and pip es of help and seaweed he desired to gather. Checking off his list all he needed was the sparkly water from a special pond.

As he searched his bag for the five bottles she pulled out a medium size sylvaner a world up piece of paper trapped inside. Eradicating the course he got the paper out and started untying the string, once that was done he examined what the note had to offer.

I'm not your average water
Take a path that calls you
When you're there
You'll find me

I'm not your average water
I don't glitter, I don't glow
Only at night
Where the sirens sing

Wow, that's useful, thinking sarcastically to himself as he began to wander off the trail once more. But this time he felt a strong pull to just have pain in between two trees and the thick bush.

Making his way through the bush, he saw this shower watery trail meeting to wherever. Doing as he usually does he follows it stepping deeper into the unknown.

Scanning my surroundings I saw the see unlit lanterns hanging from the trees going along the path. Tree seemed a bit old as they have bark taken off of them with some even having no leaves on it branches.

Night time was upon me soon and I see a body of water ahead with rock around it. Could this be what that home was speaking of? I guess I'll have to figure that part of if a siren shows up.

Watching the Moon rise I start seeing the glow from the pond. I don't at all my bottles and start filling them up.

Stupidly I didn't realize that the siren would not see that I'm taking water from there on so when I heard a voice I decided to hide behind a wall.

I got there closely watching as she sat on the wall within the pond singing away a gracious tune having her backspace me. While she wasn't looking I snuck over and build the last two bottles I had left before dashing them into my bag.

Wanting to draw her attention I thought to climb the Rocky wall up to the fairy but do you do me accidentally slipping on part it broke off smashing into pieces.

Turning around she glanced over before spotting me on the rocks. Angry she begins throwing blast of water at me in attempts to knock me down. I was able to luckily escape the siren though that didn't mean I was in the clear.

A wendigo came charging at me causing me to start running as fast as I could possibly go leaving me to resort to making my way towards the very a lot more necessary than before.

Able to get the upgrade I needed to quickly get away to the pond again. Doing as I did before I down using a piece of wood then going to the world pool and jumping into it.

(Unedited) Ancient tales beyond the world(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now