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June 28


I wake up as my mom enters my room. She looks sad, making me sit up quickly and look at her with concern. "Is it Rafe?"

"He's fine. He's been allowed to come home now," my mom says, smiling. "Go over and see how he's doing."

"Okay," I say without hesitation. I don't care that I probably look completely crazy just after waking up. I rush over to the Camerons' where I walk in and see him lying on the couch in the living room.

"Hey," I say as he looks up at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," he says, "but I still need to take it easy."

"I understand," I say, smiling. "But I'm here now."

"Can't we go to your place instead?" Rafe suddenly asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never been to your room. Let me be there instead. It's so boring here at home," Rafe says.

"But are you sure you can make it there?" I ask.

"I can still walk," Rafe says, getting up, but I stand close in case he collapses, even though I doubt I could lift him up. We slowly and safely make our way back to my house, where my parents are now gone, and I haven't seen Nathan for several days.

We go up to my room, and Rafe smiles as soon as he looks around. "Wow."

"Wow in a bad way or wow in a good way?" I ask.

"Good," he says, smiling before sitting on my bed. "I see I'm featured there," he says, laughing as he points to the wall where I have lots of pictures. I think he means the one with me, Sarah, Rafe, Topper, Kelce, and Nathan. It was from last summer.

"Yeah, I can take it down if you-"

"No, don't do that," Rafe says. "You have so many books."

I turn to my bookshelf and laugh. "Yeah."

"You're really a nerd."

"No, how many times do I have to say I'm not a nerd," I say, rolling my eyes as I walk over to the bed and sit down beside him.

Suddenly, there's a lot of thunder outside, which makes me jump.

"It's just thunder," Rafe laughs. "Looks like it's going to storm tonight."

I feel a bit embarrassed but try not to dwell on it.

"Come here," Rafe says, extending his arms for me to move closer, which I do. I lean my head against his chest, and Rafe takes my remote to open Netflix.

"Wow, you've watched a lot of horror movies," he laughs.

"It's the best," I say.

"I thought it was books."

"After books," I smile.

Rafe picks some random movie, and we watch in silence. I have to admit, it's actually quite cozy watching a movie so close to Rafe in my room while the rain pours outside and thunder rumbles. It sounds like it's really windy outside.

When the movie ends, it's lunchtime, so I get up.
"I'll fix us something simple to eat," I say, leaving my room to go down to the kitchen, where I quickly make quesadillas before returning upstairs. Rafe is now sitting with a book in hand, smiling a lot.

"What are you doing?" I ask, setting down the plates of food on the table next to my bed and taking the book from him.

"Just wanted to see what it was about. But it was intense," Rafe says, laughing before taking one of the plates. "Looks delicious."

"Thank you," I say, smiling. We eat while talking about lots of random things. A completely normal conversation without annoying each other. It's conversations like these that I want to continue having with him in the future. Even if this is just a game and we're going to leave each other for college in the fall and pretend this never happened, I have to be honest and say that I still enjoy being with Rafe.

A/N: This is a short chapter so hopefully chapter 30 will also be out later today!:)

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