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August 15

For some reason, I agreed to go on a hike with the Camerons. Summer break is almost over and I should focus on that instead, but something made me go along anyway. Maybe it will be a fun memory.

"Are you ready to go?" Sarah asks, holding her bag. I hold mine and nod.

We try to get them down the stairs, but it doesn't go well and ends with us having laughing fits, so Ward ends up helping us carry them so we can get going.

I sit in the car, in the only available seat, which is next to Rafe. He smiles when he sees me and immediately puts his arm around me. Ward gets into the driver's seat, turns the radio on low before he starts driving.

"You better have everything with you," Ward says? looking at us in the back via the rearview mirror.

"Trust me, if anyone forgot something, it's Sarah" Rafe says.

"No, it's you," Sarah says, annoyed at her brother.

"Don't start fighting again, please. This is the last thing we're doing together before Rafe moves out," Rose says, giving the two a stern look while she tries to put on her lipstick properly.

Wheezie sits quietly with headphones on. I think she finds it quite nice to avoid hearing her two older siblings argue all the time. I would get tired of it eventually.

"I don't get why you forced me on this when all we're going to do is walk around in some forest on the mainland and sleep in tents. How are we going to go to the bathroom?" Sarah complains.

"Everything can be solved, you know, Sarah, and your problem can also be solved. There are plenty of trees to hide behind if you need to use the bathroom," Ward says.

"And please don't let these two share a tent. We all know how that will end," Sarah points at me and Rafe.

"Can you just shut up?" Rafe says to Sarah irritably.

"You two in the back. If you don't stop fighting now, I'll drop you off here," Ward says loudly to the siblings.


Two hours later we arrive and I have no idea where we are. All I know is that we're a good distance from home because there's not much forest nearby otherwise. Ward stops the car by a small forest grove and we all get out. We put on our backpacks and take all the gear with us.

"So..." Ward says pulling out a physical map.

"Why don't you just use your phone?" Sarah asks.

"Because there's no reception here. We'll have to do it the old-fashioned way," Ward says.

Sarah rolls her eyes, "Okay, I don't know how I'm going to get through these days," she says.

"You've got me, at least," I say to Sarah and she gives me a side hug, probably to show that she appreciates my company, which I also do, her company.

We start walking in some direction and there are lots of mosquitoes and other annoying insects everywhere. I'm really not the person who usually hikes, but I thought it might get me to think about something else for a while, hopefully.

I feel Rafe's hand take hold of mine and I look up at him, meeting that smile I will never get tired of. I am so happy with him. He is the love of my life. Believe it or not, but my gut feeling says it will always be the two of us and if there's one thing everyone knows, it's that gut feelings are never wrong.

"How about we take this path?" Rose asks, pointing towards a road that seems to lead to a lake. "Then we can stop by the lake over there."

It's a good idea because it's starting to get late and we've walked quite a distance. My feet hurt and so do my shoulders. Rafe even offered to carry my bag in his hands, but of course, I said no, why should he carry two? Though, I do like how kind he is.

We stop at a spot that looks like it has enough good ground for the night.

"Does anyone know how to set up a tent?" Ward asks, putting his bag down on the ground.

"No, why would we?" Rafe says.

"Not surprising," Ward sighs.

Rafe is just about to open his mouth to retort when Wheezie starts talking, "We learned it in school before summer break," she says.

"Good, then Wheezie and Sarah can set up your tent together, Rose and I will take ours, and you two will have to figure out how to do it together. You're both adults, you should understand a little at least," Ward says, handing us the tent bag.

We take out the tent and read the instructions, but I don't understand anything. No wonder I didn't pass this class in school. Rafe doesn't seem to know what he's doing either, and I can't help but laugh at him as he tries to stick the tent pegs into the ground.

"What are you laughing at?" he asks, looking like he's given up.

"You," I say, covering my mouth with my hand to try to stop my laughter.

"Adeline, you do realize that it's not nice to laugh at others, right?" Rafe says, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm," I giggle. I hear Rafe sigh loudly and the next thing he does is remove my hands from my face so he can place his hands on my cheeks instead.

"Exactly, so you shouldn't laugh at me," Rafe says, but he's smiling too, so I know he's not serious.

"Sorry," I laugh. "But you're just so bad at this."

"As if you're any better," Rafe says, rolling his eyes. "Stop laughing and help me."

"Make me," I say.

Rafe meets my eyes, and his grin quickly forms on his lips before his lips touch mine. At first, it's just a regular kiss, but then it becomes more and more of a kiss.

"RAFE!" we hear Ward shout, causing us both to turn towards Ward, who is standing and looking at us with his arms crossed.

"If the tent isn't up before dark, you'll have to sleep on the ground," Ward says. "And there are bears in this forest"

We both laugh before trying again to set up the tent.

A/N: so what are we saying? Smut in the next chapter?🤭

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