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As Jimin pulled up to his house, he paused for a moment in the car, gathering his thoughts. Eventually, he opened the door and made his way towards the familiar comfort of home. Inside, he found Yoongi, seated against the cupboard, lost in his own thoughts. Their eyes met as Jimin entered the room, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

Heading towards the bathroom, Jimin grabbed a towel, his mind drifting. Meanwhile, Yoongi made his way to the kitchen, preparing a meal with practice ease. Lost in his own world, he returned to their room, only to be met with the sight of Nayon and Jimin locked in a warm embrace.

For a moment, Yoongi hesitated, emotions swirling within him, before quietly entering the room. Setting the plates down on the table, he took a moment to compose himself, the weight of the moment lingering in the air.

"It's okay, oppa... She'll be alright, believe me," Nayon reassured Jimin, her voice filled with conviction as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Jimin nodded, finding solace in her words.

"Don't be weak, hyung," Nayon urged, offering him a warm smile despite the tension in the air. "This is all because of that Taehyung," she added through gritted teeth, her frustration evident. Yoongi observed her quietly, his gaze unwavering.

"I'm going to the hospital," Jimin declared, his voice resolute as he addressed both Nayon and Yoongi.

"Okay, oppa. I'll come in the morning then Mom can come back," Nayon replied with a reassuring smile, trying to ease the burden on Jimin's shoulders.

As Jimin made to leave, Yoongi reached out, gently grasping his hand. Jimin turned, surprised by the gesture.

"What?" he asked, meeting Yoongi's gaze. Yoongi simply gestured towards the table, silently urging Jimin to eat something.

"I'm not hungry, Yoongi," Jimin responded calmly, shaking his head. Despite his protest, Yoongi nodded in understanding, still holding out his hand as if offering sustenance.

After a moment of hesitation, Jimin relented. "Hmm... Do you want to come with me?" he asked softly. Yoongi nodded in affirmation, his expression serious yet supportive. Yoongi quickly grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the washroom, Jimin's anxiety evident as he left Yoongi alone. Nayon, her jaw clenched with unresolved emotions, quietly exited the room, leaving the two men.

Taehyung brought his bike to a stop in front of the house, breaking the silence with his announcement. "Kooki, we're here," he said softly, his voice tinged with concern.

Jungkook, his senses dulled from the drugs, merely hummed in response, his exhaustion palpable. Carefully, he dismounted from the bike, moving slowly as if every step were a laborious effort. Taehyung mirrored his movements, gently lifting the weary boy into his arms, cradling him like a fragile, wilted flower.With a heavy heart, Taehyung carried Jungkook towards the house.

From the balcony, Jimin watched the scene unfold with a mixture of anguish and anger gnawing at his insides. The sight of Taehyung and Jungkook, seemingly oblivious to the havoc they had wreaked, fueled the fire of resentment within him.

"Both of you are enjoying after turning my life into a living hell," Jimin muttered through clenched teeth, his fists balling up in frustration. The weight of the truth, yet unknown to him, bore down on him like a suffocating burden, intensifying his simmering rage.

Taehyung gently places Jungkook on the bed, his voice soft as he calls out, "Kooki..."

Jungkook stirs, murmuring, "Let me sleep, hyung... Please don't go."

"I won't," Taehyung assures him, watching as Jungkook drifts back into slumber. Suddenly, a knocking sound breaks the silence. "Jin," Taehyung calls out, and Jin slowly enters the room, his eyes red and puffy. He sits on the floor, staring at Jungkook.

"Did Joon hyung call you?" Taehyung asks, his voice heavy with concern.

Jin simply nods, unable to find the words. Taehyung takes a deep breath. "He's fine, just tired because of that drug," he reassured Jin, who continues to gaze at Jungkook, tears silently streaming down his face.

"Jinni... Sleep with me," Jungkook mumbles without opening his eyes, sensing Jin's distress. Without hesitation, Jin lies down beside him, and Jungkook snuggles closer with a contented smile.

Taehyung watches the tender scene for a moment before quietly exiting the room. He meets Jimin in the hallway, who immediately questions him, "Where were you?"

"I... We just went for a ride," Taehyung lies, trying to shield Jimin from the truth.

As Jimin walks away, Yoongi emerges from the room, offering a knowing smile to Taehyung before following after Jimin.


"Don't do anything to me... Please... Noona, it's hurting... My my child" Those words, tinged with desperation, echoed through the room, a plea never before uttered. Yoona's grip tightened on the iron rod as she mercilessly delivered blow after blow to her 4 months old baby belly, the sound of each strike reverberating in the air with sickening clarity.

"No...." Mrs. Kim's scream pierces the air as she jolts awake, her body trembling and breaths coming in rapid gasps. The memories of that cruel moment from years ago flood her mind, causing her heart to race with fear and anguish. "Destiny starts to pay back," she whispers hoarsely, her voice choked with emotion as she struggles to calm herself, taking deep, shuddering breaths to steady her nerves.

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