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"Taehyung... I love you... Look at me... Hyungi..." Jungkook's voice echoed in Taehyung's dream, pulling him back into a bittersweet memory. With a heavy sigh, Taehyung woke up, his heart aching from the lingering remnants of his dreams.

"Kooki..." he called out softly, his voice filled with longing. "Where are you? I can't do this anymore..."

Taehyung stood up from the bed, his movements slow and weary. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to gather his thoughts. The weight of his emotions felt suffocating, and he needed an escape. Lighting a cigarette, he walked outside, the cool air hitting his face.

In his hand was Jungkook's diary, a constant companion since the day he found it. He had read each and every page carefully, perhaps a thousand times. Each word, each sentence, held a piece of Jungkook, and Taehyung clung to it desperately.

Kooki... he called out again in his mind, hoping for a response that would never come.

He settled on the porch, the smoke from his cigarette swirling around him. Opening the diary, he began to read once more. The familiar handwriting danced before his eyes, bringing back memories of their time together. Jungkook's thoughts, dreams, fears and love towards Taehyung were laid bare on the pages, and Taehyung felt a mix of comfort and sorrow as he read.

As he turned the pages, he could almost hear Jungkook's laughter, see his smile, and feel his presence beside him. But reality was harsh, and the emptiness around him was a stark reminder of his absence.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes, blurring the words on the page. "Kooki... I miss you so much," he whispered, his voice trembling. The pain of losing Jungkook was a wound that never healed, and each day was a struggle to carry on without him.

He closed the diary, holding it close to his chest as if it could somehow bring Jungkook back. Taking a deep drag from his cigarette, he exhaled slowly, watching the smoke dissipate into the night.

"Wherever you are, I hope you're at peace," Taehyung murmured, his heart heavy with grief. "I'll keep you alive in my memories, Kooki. Always."

With a final, lingering look at the diary, Taehyung stood up and walked back inside, the night embracing him in its silent solace.


It was a typical morning in their shared home, but the absence of Jungkook hung heavily in the air. Jin, ever the caretaker, busied himself in the kitchen, preparing Jungkook's favorite dishes just as he did every day. He held onto a fragile hope that today might be the day his brother would return, though each day ended in the same crushing disappointment.

Namjoon made his daily trip to the police station, seeking any updates on Jungkook's disappearance. The routine had become a lifeline, a way to cling to the faintest glimmer of hope. Afterward, he visited Hoseok's house. There, he found Lisa laying quietly, her eyes void of the light they once held. She seemed lost in her own world, a ghost of her former self. The only sign of life was the steady stream of tears that flowed from her eyes, a silent testament to her enduring pain.

Jimin, ever the diligent one, divided his time between his responsibilities at Arcadia and managing Taehyung's company. He handled everything with a calm efficiency, masking his own sorrow behind a facade of strength. Every task, every meeting, was a way to keep his mind occupied, to stave off the relentless worry gnawing at his heart.

Taehyung, though, was a different story. His mornings began and ended with Jungkook's diary, the pages worn from countless readings. Each word was a connection to the one he missed so dearly, a balm for his aching heart. The cigarette smoke that curled around him was a solitary companion in his quiet grief.

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