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Jungkook blinks his eyes two or three times to adjust to the light, his surroundings gradually coming into focus. Panic sets in as he realizes he's in an unfamiliar place. Memories of yesterday's terrifying ordeal flood his mind – waiting outside for Taehyung, being grabbed from behind, and now waking up in this unknown place.

A shiver runs down his spine as he recalls the sensation of hands dragging across his body, the fear of the masked figure overpowering him. The mere thought makes him nauseous, bile rising in his throat. He tries to move, to escape this nightmare, but a sharp pain shoots through his lower body, causing him to recoil.

A wave of dread washes over him as he takes a breath and realizes he's completely exposed, his nakedness laying bare his vulnerability. Tears well up in his eyes as he cries out in anguish, the reality of his situation hitting him like a sledgehammer. Lost, frightened, and violated, Jungkook is overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness and despair.


"Yoona," Mrs. Kim's voice breaks the somber silence, her tone soft with concern. Jimin's eyes glisten with unshed tears as he gazes at the woman lying before him. Half of her once-beautiful features marred by the cruel touch of acid, her left eye now shrouded in darkness, her body rendered immobile by paralysis.

The weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air as Mrs. Kim recounts the harrowing tale. Yoona, presumed to be safely behind bars, had somehow managed to escape, leaving a trail of unanswered questions in her wake. The police, baffled by her disappearance, had scoured the CCTV footage, revealing her daring exit from the confines of the jail.

As Jimin absorbs the grim reality of Yoona's condition and her inexplicable escape, a mixture of fear and anger courses through him. How could she have evaded capture? What drove her to commit such heinous acts? With each unanswered question, the sense of unease deepens, casting a shadow over their once-peaceful lives.

"Look, Mr. Park," the doctor's words hang heavily in the air, punctuating the solemn atmosphere of the hospital room. "This is just a body now... breathing in and breathing out," he explains gently, his tone tinged with empathy. "She's in sedation to manage the pain. When she wakes up, I'm not sure she'll even be able to endure it."

Jimin's gaze shifts to his mother lying on the hospital bed, her form frail and vulnerable beneath the sterile white sheets. As he takes in the sight of her, a rush of emotions floods his heart. Despite the darkness of her past deeds, she remains his mother, a fact that weighs heavily on his conscience.

Guilt gnaws at him, a relentless reminder of his own shortcomings and failings. Anger simmers beneath the surface, directed not only at Taehyung for his role in his mother's arrest but also at himself for allowing the situation to escalate to this point.

With a trembling hand, Jimin wipes away the tears that threaten to spill from his eyes, his emotions in turmoil. With each step he takes towards the door, the weight of responsibility hangs heavy on his shoulders, his resolve to protect his family stronger than ever before.


As Jungkook slowly rises from the bed, a sense of numbness envelops him, his body feeling foreign and violated. He struggles to come to terms with the reality of his situation, grappling with the overwhelming sense of shame and violation.

As he tentatively takes a step forward, his gaze falls upon Taehyung, slumbering peacefully on the floor. A surge of conflicting emotions floods Jungkook's heart – gratitude for Taehyung's presence, but also confusion and fear about what transpired between them.

Quickly, Jungkook wraps himself in the duvet, seeking solace in its comforting embrace as he settles beside Taehyung. "Tae... Taehyung..." he murmurs softly, gently shaking him awake.

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