Chapter One: Omega

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Infinity's POV:
"Get your lazy ass out of bed and make us breakfast, slut!" I heard from downstairs. I looked at the wall clock to see that it was only 5:30am. I usually don't make breakfast for another half an hour but something important must be happening today. I quickly shuffled out of bed and put on the few clothes I had left. I rushed to the kitchen to make something for everyone in the pack house. I decided to make pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, since I know that it is the Alpha's favourite. I brought everything through into the living room to see everyone, including the Alpha, Luna, and Beta sat waiting for the food. The Beta Female was lost to a rouge attack five years ago. I placed everything onto the coffee table and went to leave when the Alpha called me.
"Infinity," I turned around and bowed my head in submission and respect. I had learnt the hard way that not showing submission brings consequences.
"There is a neighbouring pack coming today to discuss the recent rouge attacks. They will be arriving at around 1 o'clock. I want every single one of your chores done by then and I want the pack house spotless, am I understood?" I nodded my head and set off to start my chores. This was my life; wake up, make breakfast for the pack house, do my chores. If I do anything wrong, even if it is something small, then I get beaten. I don't talk either which only makes them beat me harder. But, I am used to it. I am the omega, after all. What else do you expect?

It took hours for me to finish my chores, mainly because one of the pack's 'sluts' (Yes, every pack has them) decided she would 'accidentally' drop a jar of honey onto the floor and make me clean it up. And to make my life even easier (Note the sarcasm) our kitchen is carpeted. If I wasn't treated like shit all the time, then I would totally fucking knock them out right now. It was just nearing 1 o'clock when one of the Alpha's sons grabbed me by the hair and dragged me toward the basement. This was not going to end well. The basement was pretty normal except for the fact that there was a four-poster bed with silver chains attached to each post, a table with whips, silver rods, liquid silver, and various other torturing devices laid out on it, and row after row of guns, pistols, and knives hung on the walls. The Alpha's son,shove me onto the bed and chained me up so I couldn't move he then walked to the door unlocked it to make sure nobody would interrupt what he was about to do. Walking back towards the bed, his eyes talking with lust as he stared at my helpless body. Once he reached the bed he climbed on top of me and straddled my waist. He grabbed hold of my T-shirt and ripped it off, leaving my torso bare. He shuffled off of me and ripped my trousers off. Now all that was left were my panties. He traced up the inside of my thigh and I closed my eyes as he ran over one of my newest bruises. I felt what was left of my dignity being ripped off, fully exposing my broken and bruised body. I heard the 'clink' of his belt buckle and the soft sound of him breathing. This was it. I was going to be raped.

Hola, bitches!
Ok, first chapter over and done with, whoo hoo! So don't forget to comment and vote for me!
Cupquakey 💕

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