Chapter 23

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A/N: the update schedule for this book is so fucked up.


Tobias' POV:

I pulled myself out of bed and walked into the en suite just like every morning. Except she wasn't here anymore.

I didn't know where she was or who she was with. She could be being tortured for all I know and I hated it. I hated not knowing.

There was a sharp knock at my door but before I could answer it, I heard it swing open and hit the wall.

"Alpha?" Jarred's panicked voice echoed through my room. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room where he stood breathing heavily.

"We may have a lead." That's all it took to get my attention.


"The mountains."

"Get some warriors together, but not many." He nodded and rushed off. I ran a hand through my hair.


I jogged out of my room and outside, where around ten warriors stood alongside Jarred.

"Perfect. We're going now. Jarred lead the way." I shifted and the others followed.

Jarred barked and took off into the woods, towards the mountain. I took off next and the warriors followed behind me.

"Get ready, sweetheart."

Infinity's POV:

"You aren't strong enough yet Gensis!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You aren't my mother."

"I may as well be. Stop acting like a child!"

"Me? A child? Are you fucking serious right now?" I sighed and rubbed my temples. I was currently trying to train the others to become better Guardians. They had powers but they still didn't know how to use them properly.

"Genesis, you still don't have your mind reading under control."

"And why does that matter? I can figure it out as I go along."

"No, you cant just 'figure it out'. You need to know it now because something big is coming and I need all of you help." She stormed out of the room, leaving me alone with Coen and Ignacio.

"Don't you think you're going to hard on her?" I glared at Coen

"Don't try to tell me how to teach you guys. You have no idea what is coming or the danger that comes with it." I started to walk off.

"Then why don't you just tell us?" I paused and looked back at the two boys.

"You want to know?" They both nodded eagerly.

"I'm the Moon Goddesses daughter. That comes with both good and bad things. This bad thing is my Aunt. I thought she was kind and she looked after me when I needed her to but that turned out to be just a cover. Now, she is out to get me and anyone that I'm close to. She already has two of my best friends working with her to bring me down and I sure as hell don't want to bring that number up. " I teleported to my room before they could even react.

I strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a bar of chocolate from the cupboard. I don't eat much chocolate anymore. Not since I left.

I had eaten about half of the chocolate when Genesis walked into the kitchen. She looked at me and rolled her eyes before grabbing a bar of chocolate for herself.

That's when I sensed it.


"Genesis, get the boys. Don't ask, just meet me in the ballroom." She obviously sensed me uneasiness and rushed to the training room. I, on the other hand, got up from my chair and teleported to the control room. I looked at the cameras and sure enough, he was standing right outside on of the secret entrances, glaring back at me through the camera. He had around 10 men with him, all ready to come in here and take me home.

I pressed a button and the warriors looked in bewilderment as the secret door slipped open to let the in.

I teleported to the ballroom to meet everyone else. They didn't say anything and neither did I. We just stood there, waiting.

I was the only one who could sense him and he was the only one who could sense me. An effect of the mark I guess.

Not long later, 5 minutes or so, the ballroom doors burst open revealing the warriors. The guys behind me growled at them and stood in a fighting stance, their powers at the ready.

"Don't. I know them." I mind linked them. they relaxed but still stood on edge.

I slowly walked toward the guards.

"Oh, how nice it is of you to drop by. Although, you could have given some notice. I'm not even out of my training gear." I locked eyes with him.

"Drinks, anyone?" I was cut off my a growl.

"Enough of the bullshit, Fin. You're coming home." He stepped forward and I stepped back.

"I already am home."

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