Chapter 12: I Love You

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Infinity's POV;
"What the fuck?!"
I started pacing back and forth across the room. Tobias turned towards Lace and glared at him.
"You just don't know when to keep your fucking mouth shut do you?" Lace flinched back.
"He sells me away and makes me go thought the pain of silver, wolfsbane and rape all because he killed my mother? Ugh, I would kill him if he wasn't already dead!" I muttered to myself whilst grabbing my hair and letting Trinity take most of the control.
"Guys don't piss her off right now," I could hear Tobias say to Callie and Lace.
"Why?" I stopped pacing, glared at them and started pacing again.
"She can kinda control the elements so you really don't want to mess with her. Look at her eyes; Trinity is partially in control."
"What do you mean, 'partially'?"
" If Trinity was in full control, we would all be dead by now," I stopped pacing again and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.
"What's she doing now?" Lace whispered to Tobias.
"Trying not to kill you all." I snapped at him.
"H-how can y-you talk?"Cassie murmured. This time I let Trinity take most of the control.
"If you must know, she's always been able to talk she just chose not to." Our voices started to mix which was creeping everyone out. I slumped onto the bed and laid under the covers.
"Get out. She'll talk to you in the morning when she's in a better mood and not trying to kill everyone." Trinity mumbled into the pillow. As I gained back my control, I heard Cammie and Lace leave and Tobias shut he door. He came and laid next to me before pulling me into his embrace. That's when I broke down. He pulled me closer and I buried my head in his chest as I cried.
My dad killed my mother.
My dad killed the Moon Goddess.
I mean, is that even legal? I managed to stop crying and I just laid in his arms.
"Shhh, baby. I hate it when you cry."
"He..... Killed my mother! The fucking Moon Goddess Tobias!"
"I know baby."
"Who knows what he could've done to me."
"Don't think like that baby." I felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier.
"I love you Fin."
"I love you Toby."

I'm actually quite proud of this chapter to be honest. Hehe!
Remember to vote and comment!!
Cupquakey 💕

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