Chapter 4: Lost and Found

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I was walking through a forest. The path was never ending, but it was light at one side, and dark at the other. I started walking towards the light side, and with each step I took, my body felt lighter and lighter.
"Stop, child." I gentle voice spoke to me.
"You must not go any further." A figure appeared in front of me. As the figure became clearer, I saw the woman I never thought I would see again. Since she was the reason I stopped talking, I may as well speak to her.
"Yes, child, but I am more than your mother. I am the Moon Goddess."
"M-Moon Goddess?"
"I will explain another time, but for now, you must get back. You are very powerful and needed by many."
"What do you mean?"
"I will visit you in your slumber tonight and explain everything."
"Goodbye child." And with that the whole forest disappeared, along with my mother.

"Infinity..." I heard someone call my name and I instantly shot out of bed. Wait, this is different from the bed I passed out in. I looked around to see a man, about 6 foot two, with dark blonde hair and amazing green eyes filled with worry and..... love. The moment we locked eyes, Trinity bounced up and down in my mind.
Oh no. He was going to reject me. Fuck. Oh well, I will finally die a happy death. I looked to my right to see..... my aunt Kacey? My mouth dropped to the floor in shock.
"Oh, Fin, what have they done to you while I've been gone?" I jumped up and hugged her tight afraid, I will lose her if I let her go. My aunt reached into her pocket and grabbed a small notebook and pen for me to write on.
'What are you doing here?" I wrote.
"Remember when I left Midnight Fall?" I nodded
"It was because I found my mate and Alpha Alexander kicked me out because I didn't want to stay." I gasped.
"Um, I hate to interrupt this reunion, or what ever it is, but doctor Kacey, I need you to check my mate here for any....internal injuries."
Shit. He probably just wants to help me recover before he rejects and kills me.
"Why internal? Fin, what did they do to you?" She looked at me. I grabbed the pen and paper.
'One of the Alpha's sons raped me.' She took the notepad from me and read it. She looked at me and a her eyes started to shine, meaning that she was mind linking someone. She then got up and exited the room, leaving just me and my mate. I quickly scribbled down my question and showed it to him."
'Are you going to reject me?'

Chapter 4 for you. You know I really like this story. I think I like it better than my other story. If you haven't read that then be sure to check it out. I know my chapters are a bit short but I try to leave every chapter on a cliffhanger and if I make it any longer then there won't be a cliffhanger for me to leave it on or there will have already been a cliffhanger in the middle of the chapter that I didn't leave it on. Anyway thank you for reading and remember to vote and comment!
Cupquakey 💕

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