Chapter 3: Safe and Sound

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Tobias' POV:
I let out a growl so loud it shook the whole house. Soon enough people had gathered in the basement to see what was going on.
'They are looking at her, only we to do that!' I quickly took off my shirt, earning many unwanted looks from the girls, and placed it over my mate to cover her.
"Alpha Tobias," I turned around to see the Alpha and Luna standing at the door of the basement.
"What happened?" Their voices were laced with amusement, as if enjoyed seeing my mate in pain.
"Who is she?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Oh her? Why would you want to know who she is? She just worthless omega who can't do anything right." Red clouded my vision as I started to lose control to Xavier.
"How dare you say that about my mate." Xavier's voice was deep in mine which made his Alpha tone seen even scarier than it already was. I was shaking anger when some bitch from the Midnight fall pack came and clung to my arm.
"Why not just reject her now and mate with me?" She tried to whisper seductively in my ear but it just sounded like a dying cat. I shook her off and walk towards my mate. I picked her up, careful not to touch any of her injuries. I tossed my keys to Lace and took off with her.
"Hey, you can't just take her!" I heard
"Just watch me!" I shouted back in reply.

I ran all the way to the Pack House. The moment I walked through the door, a bunch of girls instantly turned to me.
"Aw, Toby who is that slut? Tired of us so you decided to fuck a rouge?" I growled at her making her flinch back.
"How dare you talk about my mate like that! Just because Mark didn't want you and rejected your sorry arse Tiffany, doesn't mean you can disrespect your Luna!"
"How dare you call that bitch my Luna! You know about the agreement-"
"The agreement out parents made. I sure as hell didn't fucking agree it and neither did you !" She cowered back, finally realising the truth.
"If you dare disrespect me or your Luna again, I will not hesitate to make you an omega." I'm surprised my mate didn't wake up to that. I walked through the pack house and climbed up the stairs to the top floor I had the whole floor to myself because I was the Alpha.
"Kacey, I need you in my room, now" I mind linked my pack doctor seconds later I heard Kacey's light footsteps make their way upstairs.
"What can I do Alpha?" Her voice was gentle but worried.
"I found my mate at the Midnight fall pack." She squealed.
"Oh, can I see her?"
"Of course, that's why I brought you up here." I moved out of the way so that she could see my mate. She gasped as soon as she stepped into my room. I watched as tears ran down her cheeks. I was confused at first, but what she said next cleared everything up.

Okay chapter three! Just to let you know this isn't like free hand writing. I wrote it all out in a book 1st and I think I've done it so that I can have it published as a paperback book later,, maybe when I get older, but it's not that long yet I might have to rewrite it is a longer book to ever have it published. anyway, I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote, I would really appreciate it.
Cupquakey 💕

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