Chapter 15: Powers

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Infinity's POV:

I woke up for the second time today to the sunlight seeping through the windows; our windows. I reached out only to find an empty bed. I frowned. Why would he leave me alone after this morning? I stretched my arms out and my fingers brushed over my mark, sending tingles through my body.
"Come downstairs." I jolted upright at the sound of Tobias' voice through the mind link.
"Bastard, you scared me." I heard him chuckle at me. I lifted the cover and literally rolled out of bed and onto the floor.
"You should be used to it given how many times you've mind linked everyone else." I froze, before my anger bubbled up inside me.
"They told you!?" I yelled at him. I pulled myself off of the floor using the bedsheets and stormed towards the door.
"No, I looked through your mind." I paused with my hand on the doorknob, barely keeping control of the pissed off wolf inside of me.
"You what?" I spoke more calmly. Too calmly.
"Oh and Trinity took over your body this morning, by the way." That's it. I grabbed the door handle and literally ripped it off of its hinges. I didn't even bother walking down the stairs, I just jumped down the middle of the spiral staircase, landing swiftly on my feet. Sometimes I swear to god I'm more of a cat that a fucking wolf.
"You bastard! I will fucking cut you!" I screamed at Tobias as soon as I saw him. His eyes widened and his face paled as he dropped the cup of coffee he was holding in his hand. He took off out the front door and I wasn't far behind.
"Don't you dare fucking run from me you pussy!" My hand shot out and I used my earth and water powers to create a giant mud puddle in front of him. I was on the ground, laughing so hard I started crying as he fell face firs into it.
"What happened?" I heard Cammie say from behind me. I stood up and wiped away the tears and tried to speak without laughing my ass off.
"Well, he looked through my mind so I kinda destroyed our room, jumped down the stairs and did that." I pointed to Tobais who had managed to crawl out of the puddle but was covered head to toe on mud. I turned back to Cammie who was gaping at me. Her eyes flicked to my neck and they widened.

"He marked you!!"


I found out today that one of my readers has the same name as one of the characters I  this book. It makes me so happy that you guys tell me things like this. One time I even got a paragraph through the dm saying hoe they loved me and my books. I am overwhelmed with how many people have actually read my book because I'm only 13 years old. Thank you all!

Cupquakey <3 xx

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