Chapter 19

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Infinity's POV:
"TOBIAS!" I ran over to him, dodging the attacks aimed at me.
"Tobias, don't you dare close your fucking eyes." I tapped his cheek to keep him conscious.
"You just couldn't help yourself could you? I was perfectly fine. You didn't need to do that. Look where it landed you." He chuckled weakly at me.
"I was never one to go with the flow. I had to do everything my way." I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks. I was completely unaware of the battle surrounding us. We were only focused on each other.
"That's probably why I fell in love with you."
"P-probably?" My smile faded as I noticed his eyes drooping and his voice getting weaker.
"Come on Tobias! This isn't happening okay? Stay with me. Everything will be fine." His body fell limp in my arms but I stayed motionless. I couldn't quite process what what happening. This wasn't real. No. I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't shout. My world stopped, my heart shattered, my emotions shut down.
"Oopsie daisy, I seemed to have cut him up a little. I guess all of those years in medical school paid off." I ignored the voice behind me and continued to watch Tobias' face drain of it's colour.
"You know, Fin, I never wanted you to get involved. It was all about your mother really. But then you discovered your powers. You were never even meant to inherit them but you did and now, unfortunately, you're just another obstacle in my way." She laughed at her own words. Then again it was more of a cackle then a laugh.
"It seems your mother doesn't love you as much as you thought you did. I don't see her anywhere." I resisted the urge to turn around and look at her.
I suddenly felt an immense pain in my back. My breaths were sharp and I couldn't register the true extent of the pain yet. With shaky hands, I looked down and saw a silver sword sticking out from my stomach.
I was grabbed by my hair and my head was yanked back, forcing me to look into the eyes of the woman. With my remaining strength, I head butted her, hearing a satisfying crack as she stumbled back.
"I wouldn't underestimate the Moon Goddess. After all, she is your sister."

I woke up, cold sweat coating my forehead. Tobias was sleeping peacefully next to me. Unlike every other night this week, I hadn't woken him up after my series of recurring nightmares.
After much struggle, I wriggled out of Tobias' grasp and stood up. I had to lean against the wall for support as my knees became weak and black spots invaded my vision. I took a few deep breaths until the spots disappeared and the feeling returned to my legs. This had happened a few times. I probably needed to eat more. I had been training in secret and not getting much food in my system.

To be totally honest, the dreams not only scared me, but terrified me to the brink of insanity.

Tobias was starting to suspect my uneasiness. I had been more protective of him, more alert, more suspicious of everything and everyone.

I walked into the en suite and stripped carefully. My muscles were aching from the training and I kept accidentally burning myself with my fire powers. Trinity was scolding me for my stupidity and also my ability to completely miss the target and somehow hit myself with my attacks.

Trinity had been my personal mentor. Even though she couldn't physically teach me moves I let her practice in my body so that I knew how to do them when I took back my control.

Some of the moves were simple but cunning and the other were just plain life risking.

As the lukewarm water trickled over my body, I went over the suspects in my head. The dream I had last night gave me some major clues on who this mystery person is. I had worked out that I could either tell the future or my mother was trying to communicate with me through my dream and nightmares.

"I guess all of those years in medical school paid off."

Medical school? A doctor or nurse of something of the sort. There were hundreds of medical staff in the pack though.

"I wouldn't underestimate the Moon Goddess. After all, she is your sister."

I said that to her. How many other people do I know that are part of the medical staff but also happens to be he sister of the fucking Moon Goddess?

Why was I so stupidly blind?

I turned the shower off and gathered my clothes before rushing into the bedroom. I saw Tobias awake on his phone. He looked up at me when I walked into the bedroom and studied my movements. His eyes followed me until I walked into the closet. Neither of us said a word as i skimmed over the contents of my wardrobe, selecting a pair of plain black leggings that were easy to move in, a black tank top with a flannel shirt covering it and my black combat boots.

"What's wrong?" I laced up my boots as Tobias shuffled over to me. I sighed and turned to him.

"I think it's time to tell you about my dreams."

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