Chapter 27

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I know it's late I'm sorry.

Infinity's POV:

"It's only for a while. We can come back after all this is over and start searching for more guardians. I came here to train you for this, but we also need to train the Warriors of our pack. They can't defend themselves on their own."

I looked over Genesis, Ignacio and Coen as they decided to come with us.

"They'll accept us?" Genesis questioned.

"They accepted me, they sure as hell can do the same with you three." Genesis sighed and looked at the boys.

"I'm in." I smiled at her, then looked at the boys. It probably wasn't going to be hard convincing them.

"How long has it been since you two got laid?" Tobias said making me laugh.

"We're in." They said at the same time. Genesis shook her head at them.

"Boys." She muttered before walking off, probably to pack.

Coen whispered something in Ignacio's ear and he left, leaving me, Tobias and Coen to talk.

"You're okay with me spending time with Fin, right?" He asked nervously.

I glared at Tobias.

"Think before you speak." Tobias smiled at the both of us.

"You two are siblings. I can't stop you from spending time with each other." Coen let out a breath of relief as Tobias pulled him in for one of those man-hug things. 

"Just please, keep the teleportation to a minimal unless it's necessary. I haven't even processed Fin's powers yet." Just to piss him off, I teleported to the the other side of him.

He gave me a look but I just smirked at him.

"You," I looked at Coen.

"Don't you need to pack?" He smiled and walked down the hall. I raised my hand slightly and made a tree root grow from the ground, making him trip and fall flat on his face.

Even Tobias laughed as we watched Coen pick himself up from the ground and glare at me.

"I'll set your hair on fire." He threatened and I gasped.

"Try me." I trapped him in a bubble of water.

"Mom's gonna kill us." I shrugged and made the bubble smaller until it splashed all over him.

"Son of a bitch!" He growled at me.

"I'm telling mother you called her a bitch!" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Why do you still call her mother?" Tobias questioned.

"I don't know. It's just a habit I guess. I never grew out of it." He grabbed my hand and left Coen behind to dry off.

"So what's the plan?" I asked him, referring to the next few days.

"Well, we get home and rest first. Then tomorrow afternoon I'll gather the pack and tell them what's going to happen and announce that you're back. Than we start training." I was amused at how bad his planning skills were.

"For an Alpha, you aren't very organised." He lead me to the room he stayed in last night.

I knew what this room was.

How could I forget?

Tobias opened the room that I had spent many nights in; crying, painting, tearing things apart.

"I saw the painting. You did that?" I sighed and looked at the back wall where I spent many hours covering it with paint.

"Earth, Air, Fire, Water, then us." I smiled. He'd worked it out.

"This wasn't how I planned my life to turn out." I sighed.

"I spent my first six weeks in this room." I started to tell my story.

"At first, I cried. A lot. But then it turned to anger. There wasn't a day where I wouldn't break something, or storm out of a room. I vented most of it out in the training simulator, still do."

I walked over to the bed and sat on it, stroking my had across the newly made sheets. Tobias came to sit next to me.

He grabbed my hand and held them in his for a while.

"I started to realise that I wasn't getting anywhere by destroying things over and over. So I started to paint." I could feel Tobias' gaze on me but I didn't look at him, I never averted my eyes away from the wall.

"I used canvases at first. But then I realised that I needed something bigger. A canvas wasn't big enough to fit everything on. I barely managed to fit it all on the wall. I laughed at the memory; my frustration when I thought even the wall wouldn't be enough.

"I painted us first. I though I was going to stop there but I couldn't. I was still angry. So I started painting the background. It was originally just going to be a forest. That was too plain though."

I smiled. There was a sketchbook in one of the drawers of this room filled with the different concepts I had thought of for this room.

"I finally decided on something that represented us. My powers. Not all of them; but the main ones."

I laid down and so did Tobias. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest.

I felt sleep wash over me not long after we laid down, but before I closed my eyes, I looked at the hidden message on the wall.

I love you.

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