Chapter 6: Unconditional Love

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Infinity's POV:
When I fell asleep I was greeted by darkness.
"Hello?" I called out but there was no reply.
"Child," I screamed. I turned around to see my mother in her usual calm state.
"You scared me." I breathed out.
"Child, we must hurry, we don't have much time." I nodded.
"You are a special wolf, one that's body has the power to hold and control all four elements. You are known as the Guardian."
"But you've seen me I'm weak."
"Yes, but you're my child. You possess something other werewolves can only dream to have. You may not be strong yet, but once you have shifted, you will become the most powerful being in existence. Now, I must go, but before I do, I must tell you something. You must keep me and your power a secret from everyone, even your mate. Also after you shift, I need you to start talking again."
"But why?"
"I must go. I will visit you again."

I woke up gasping for air. Tobias instantly shut up and checked me for injuries.
"What happened?" I just shook my head and laid back down. I can't start talking again. Not yet. Tobias hesitantly laid back down as well, and turned me over so I was facing him. He stared into my eyes and I stared into his. We interrupted by a knock at the door. We separated and I pushed myself up on the bed so that my back was resting on the headboard.
"Come in." Tobias groaned from beside me. A man with dusty blonde hair walked in with one of his hands covering his eyes.
"Is everybody decent?" My jaw dropped. I heard Tobias chuckle next to me.
"Oh my fucking god that's a turn on."
"Trinity! Horny bitch."
"What? I can't help it if our mate is brain meltingly sexy in every possible way!" Okayyy. Time to shut her out.
"Lace, take your hand away from your face and open your eyes for fucks sake." Lace did as he was told but his eyes landed straight on me.
"Does your one brain cell not have enough energy to realise that I wouldn't let you in here if my mate was naked?" I blushed so hard I think I looked like freaking tomato.
"I have a message from Alpha Alexander." my head shot straight up.
"He said, and I quote, 'I want that bitchy little slut back or else I'll take your puny little pack down and leave her is mateless whore.'" Tobias growled at Lace who put his hands up in surrender.
"Dude, his words, not mine. Don't kill the messenger." I placed my hands around Tobias' neck to try and call him down. He gently picked me up and placed me on his lap so I was straddling him and he hugged me back.
"Holy shit! We're sat on his you-know-what!" I rolled my eyes. I pulled away and look at Tobias. He looked at me for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.
"I know I've been through a lot, and you've been through way worse, but you always put me first, even though you barely know me. You've trusted me even when you didn't. I know your mute but that hasn't stopped you from loving me so Infinity, I love you, unconditionally."

So kawaii! Remember to vote and comment!
Cupquakey 💕

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