Chapter 22

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Infinity's POV:
"Valentine's day? Are you fucking serious? He decides to be a fucking dickhead on Valentine's Day! I swear to fucking Jesus Christ if we survive this fucking war, the minute I get my claws on him he'll wish he was killed by that fucking bitch we call an aunt!"

24 hours I've been listening to this. Why don't I just cut her off? I can't. I apparently don't have a block between my human mind and my wolf mind anymore. Plus I really don't want to piss her off at this particular moment in time.

"Damn right you fucking don't!"

See what I mean?

I sighed and walked out of the room I was currently standing in. I walked down the endless corridors, aimlessly trying to find the kitchen. Why is this place so complex.

"Infinity?" I turned to see the gentle face of the woman I had longed to see in person for many years.

"Why did you make this place so complex to navigate around?" She chuckled at my desperate expression. I couldn't help it; I needed food. Mess with my food, I mess with your organs.

"You're going to the kitchen, I presume?" I nodded.

"Come child, you were always a big eater. I can't believe how much food you eat. But, it is to be expected of a young guardian in training."

"Speaking of which, when do I get to meet the others?" We rounded a corner and I heard chatter coming from behind a door.

"Right now," She pushed open the door leading into the kitchen and walked in, me following not far behind her.

There were two guys, twins, and a girl sat around a kitchen island eating what I presumed to be salad. Ugh. I hate the stuff.

"Genesis, Coen, Ignacio, meet Infinity." What is it with the names? I smiled at them and they returned it.

They continued to eat whilst I however made a beeline for the fridge. Still hungry.

I opened it and rested my eyes on the glorious amounts of different foods stacked in there. I turned to look at the other three.

"All of this food and you chose a salad?" They shrugged.

"It's healthy." Genesis spoke up. I stared at my mother.

"What are you teaching them here?"


"Do they all have powers?" She nodded.

"Not as many as you though." The other three looked at my mother.

"What do you mean, "not as many as her"?" Coen growled.

"What's so special about her?" Ignacio imitated Coen's growl. My mother ignored them and continued to talk to me.

"They have three whereas you have eight."


"Theirs are specific to their personality, you inherited yours from me." I grabbed a bunch of ingredients out of the fridge and started raiding the cupboards for pots and pans.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making you a healthy lunch. Salad isn't healthy. It's literally just lettuce." I continued to chop up vegetables and prepare the meat.

"Excuse me, I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you can't just barge in here after a day of being here and tell us they we're eating the wrong food." Genesis was hiding something. Her voice.

"I think you'll find I just did sweetheart." I sensed her getting ready to use her powers on me and I teleported to the other side of the room, behind Coen and Ignacio.

"You really should use that power carefully. You don't realise just how much power you really have." I walked back over to the stove and started cooking.

"My mother here," I pointed to the woman who had been sanding in the sidelines while everything unfolded in front of her.

"Apparently didn't teach you how to balance your diet to fit with you training, so I guess I need to teach you a few things."

"M-mother?" I turned around to face them after I had plated the meals up.

"Chicken salad with baked potato on the side as well as French toast and fruit smoothies." They all gaped at the meals I had conjured up for them as I placed each plate in front of them.

"Oh wait, before we eat, I need to introduce myself."
They all looked at me.

"Infinity West. Guardian, daughter of the Moon Goddess. Pleased to meet you!"


2 in 2 days because we hit 5k. Love y'all!

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