Chapter 21

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Tobias' POV:

"You are the stupidest fucktard I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, do you know that?" My wolf growled at me.

"She's telling the fucking truth you know, but noooooo you have to trust your so called best friend over your mate you fucking retard." I sighed.

"Okay I get it! Can we please just find out where Infinity has gone. She isn't in the territory I know that for a fact."

"I know where she is,"


"I'm not fucking telling you. You made her run off in the first place."

"So, what? Are you just going to ignore me until I find her?"

"Well, I wasn't until you suggested it so, bye."

"Xavier, I swear to the Moon Goddess if you-" He fucking cut off the connection. I groaned and ran a hand over my face.

I was in the office, trying to sort through some papers on a few rogue problems the neighbouring pack had been having, but my mind kept wandering back to Infinity.

Three days! It's been three fucking days since she walked out and let me tell you, it's been the most painful three days of my life.

I should be able to track her but I can't. It's like she cut off the mate connection or something. The whole pack had been in a mood since she left because they're all missing their Luna but I had it the worst obviously. Not just because I've been away from my mate for so long but because my family have been beating me down because of what I did. I haven't told Cammie or Lace why she left yet. If what she says is true then I can't trust them at all.

I should have just trusted her. This would all have never happened.

I groaned once again and stood up. I couldn't take anymore of this paperwork.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

I walked back out of the kitchen and was about to head up to my room when I saw Jarred, my head warrior.

"Jarred!" He turned to me and bowed.

"Yes Alpha, what can I do for you?"

"Has there been any news on Infinity's whereabouts."

"I'm sorry, no one can track her down. Whoever helped her get away from the pack knew what they were doing. There is no trace that the Luna ever stepped foot out of the house." I sighed.

"Thanks Jarred." He nodded and walked off.

Infinity, how did you get off the territory without being noticed?

"NO! He's my best friend and my beta! He wouldn't do something to put the pack in danger. Even if he did, he would warn me about it."

"You just don't get it, do you?" I growled at her.

"I'm being hunted. By my own aunt, who lives and works in your pack. All of this just because I'm the Moon Goddess' daughter."

I replayed the scene in my head over and over.

All of this just because I'm the Moon Goddess' daughter.

The Moon Goddess' daughter....

Her powers! Tobias how could you be so stupidly stupid?

I ran back up to my office and pulled out Infinity's case file.

AGE: 18
DESCRIPTION: Blonde hair, almost reaching her waist, Beautiful blue eyes, around 5,6"
PARENTS: The Moon Goddess and Lucifer
POWERS: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Healing, the ability to tell the future, teleportation

Teleportation! That's how she got away. That's why we can't figure out where she went.


"Yes Alpha?"

"I need you to find me a witch."



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