Chapter 9: Guardian

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Infinity's POV:
I took a deep breath and mind linked Cammie.
"Does it have a high dive?"
"Yup! And a bar and a water slide and-"
"Holy shit you guys are rich!" I cut her off. She had to bite her lips to hold back a laugh. Lace and Cammie stepped through the patio doors first, followed my me and Tobias. All eyes were on me. Not a single head wasn't turned towards us and everyone was dead silent. I gave Tobias' hand a squeeze before letting go and walking towards the diving board. Whispers erupted from all directions. I mind linked Cammie and Lace.
'Let's show these motherfuckers how it's done!'
I started to climb the ladders and heard whispers like;
'What happened to her?'
'That slut bag is our Luna?'
'She's fit' That last one earning a growl from Tobias. I reached the top and stepped to the edge. I was the best diver in my pack before I was sold to Midnight Fall so this should be epic. I started to jump, everyone's eyes still focused on me. I jumped and everyone gasped until I started doing tricks. The board was pretty high up so I managed to do I side-flip and three somersaults before diving perfectly into the crystal blue water. I lifted my self out of the pool to be greeted by clapping and cheering. That's when I felt it. The cracking of bones, the gasps of horror and the sound of clothes ripping. I was shifting. I screamed in pain and fell to the floor, the pain getting worse every second. I screamed in pain and fell to the floor.  After what seemed like hours, I finished shifting. I walked across to the pool to see my reflection. Everyone gaped at me as I walked towards the water. I froze as soon as I saw myself. My fur was midnight black but I had two pinkish scars; one across each eye. And my eyes were... White. Completely white; no pupil or iris, just white. I looked back at Tobias who was as shocked as everyone else. He tossed me something to get changed into and I ran behind a tree to shift back into human form. I took the shorts and t-shirt in my mouth and went into the woods. It hurt like a bitch to shift back but I ignored the pain and got dressed. As I was walking back, my mother mind linked me.
"Remember the agreement, child."
"Of course."
"One last thing. Do not show your back to anyone. Once you and your mate are alone, show you back to him, he will understand." She shut me out before I could reply. I got back to everyone and they were chatting as if nothing had just happened.
"Are you ok?" Tobias asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Again, all eyes one me. Tobias' jaw would've literally hit the floor if it wasn't attached to his face.
"Babe, close your mouth; you're gonna catch flies" I laughed. It feels so good to talk again. I walked inside and he followed me up to his room.. Once we were both inside I closed the door and locked it.
"Why did you lock the door?"
"I need to show you something." I turned my back to him and took off the t-shirt he gave me and held it over my chest so he didn't loose control. I felt him trace up and down my spine, making me shiver.

"You're a Guardian..."

Oooooohhhh! AVATAR BITCH! Wait.... Was it avatar? I can't even remember. It's been so long.
Anyway, ITS GETTING SO GOOOD!! Eeeek! This is so much fun to write and I'm loving the storyline! Remember to vote and comment!
Cupquakey 💕

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