Chapter 30

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5 chapters left :(

Hopefully the song doesn't get copyrighted. Just throwing it in it has nothing to do with the chapter.

I wrote this chapter yesterday and tried to publish It but it deleted itself so I had to write it all over again for the third time this week.

Tobias' POV:

Hundreds of years ago, in Camelot, England, twelve knights sat around a wooden round table, discussing battle strategies and arguing over how many knights to take into battle.

Today, in my meeting room, five members of my pack sat around a square table, not discussing plan or arguing over anything, just glaring at the newcomer.

If looks could kill, he'd be way more than six feet under right now.

"Fin," The guy tried to speak.

"Shut the fuck up right now." Fin interrupted. the guy looked at the other three guardians.

"Guys come on! Co, you know me best, please let me explain." Coen growled at him.

"Don't use that name. If you want to call someone that, pay a visit to Coco Chanel." If this were any other situation, I would have laughed at Coen's humour. But it wasn't.

"Please," He begged.

"Just let me tell you why I'm here." I glanced at Fin. She looked calm but I could feel her anger rising.

"I know about Kacey?" He was trying to get Fin to talk using information as a bribe.

She wouldn't take it.

"Of course you do. You're her son." What?

I growled at him and he lent back, his hands held high in surrender.

"That's why I'm here." This boy wasn't making any sense.

"I know you all hate me for being her son but I know what she's planning. That's why I left the mountain." Fin stayed silent but I looked at him to continue.

"Come on guys, we're cousins. If I knew what she was planning in the first place I would've let you two know as soon as I found out. You know I would." I heard Fin sigh from beside me.

I took this as my chance to propose a deal.

"Okay then. I will let you stay in this pack, given you follow my rules." He nodded eagerly.

"You will not train with the others. You will train in a separate room with one trainer and since you know her so well, I'll let Fin loose on you. You will learn different techniques and moves to he rest of the pack." He nodded and I sensed Fin warming up to the idea.

"You will tell us all of your information but we will keep ours under wraps. Just because I'm giving you a chance doesn't mean I trust you with any information of ours. You will not be allowed in any of our meetings and you will be accompanied by someone at all times." I saw him smile at me.

"You fuck up, I fuck you up." He nodded before gulping.

I was about to continue when the door flew open and revealed Jared in the doorway.

"Alpha, it's Kacey. She's stood at the border. But she's alone."

So sorry it's late.

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