Chapter 17

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Infinity's POV;

I could hear faint voices somewhere but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. It was just a murmur. That's the whole world to me right now; just a murmur. My senses were numb but my brain was on overdrive, desperate to figure out where I was and what I was doing here. The voices started to become louder and clearer and I realised I was waking up.

"Fin? Finny, babe, its me. Can you hear me?" I groaned and reached a hand up to my face to rub my eyes. Oh Goddess, I feel like I'm hungover. My other hand was tangled with someone else's. I took a few more deep breaths while I continued to regain consciousness. I felt like someone was hosting a fiesta in my skull. My eyes fluttered open to be met by the ones of my mate, which instantly relaxed as soon as they saw mine open. I was engulfed by a bear hug that I gladly returned, happy to be in his arms.

"I thought I lost you for a sec there." He whispered in my ear.
"Well I'm here now so there's no more need to worry." I heard him sigh but then chuckle.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to you talking." He pulled away and planted a kiss on my lips to show just how worried he was.
"How long was I out?"
"Only a few hours. Your mother mind linked me though."
I rose my eyebrow.
"She usually just takes control of my dreams."
"That's why she mind linked me. You were so exhausted from using your healing power that your body shut down and nobody could get inside of your head, not even her." My lips parted after I thought over everything. Of course it would take a lot of power. I only just discovered it and I was basically just giving the other person my health. But why did she not tell me earlier. I could have been using it in the middle of an attack. If I had passed out then, I'd be dead for sure.

I groaned as my headache grew worse as the seconds ticked by.

"Are you okay Fin?" I nodded but regretted it as I felt a sharp pain in my head. Tobias placed one of his hands on the side of my face and I subconsciously leaned into his touch. He stroked my temple with his thumb which eased the pain and replaced it with millions of little tingles all over my body.

"Come on, this isn't healthy. You need to rest." I sighed, knowing he was right. I had been brought up to pay attention to every little detail and to never let my guard down, which is why I was such a light sleeper. It couldn't hurt just to let my guard down for a few hours while I rested, would it?

"Lay with me." I whispered. He looked into my eyes and I could see so many emotions swimming through his head. I moved over to the edge of the bed and waited for him to join me.

"Oh goddess that sounded so sexual. I want him."

"Trinity, now is definitely not the time."

"But I want him."

"Well, you cant have him yet."

"Yet." I heard her whispering extremely inappropriate things to herself. I shut her out and focused on what was happening around me. Tobias stood up and pulled his shirt off, leaving him in just a pair of sweatpants.

"Holy fuck."

"Trinity what the fuck? I thought I blocked you out."

"We're a guardian, you cant block me out."

"Oh for fucks sake! I'm stuck with you?"


"How about you just go to the deepest part of your mind and silently stalk my memories of him then." I didn't hear a reply.

I felt Tobias get into the bed next to me which snapped me out of my thoughts. He laid next to me and pulled me into his chest by the waist. He rested his head on top of mine as I cuddled as close to him as possible. Our legs got tangled somewhere along the line and we continued to move until we were as close to each other as possible.

"I was so scared." I heard him whisper. I reached down to grab his hand in mine. I looked up at him to see him on the verge of tears.

"I'm here now."





Here is chapter 17. I know I said I wouldn't update until the new year but that's literally 2 days away no and with how many reads and votes and comments ive been getting I knew I just couldn't let you guys wait any longer. I'm sorry, I love you all.

Cupquakey 😘

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