Chapter 29

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Tobias' POV;
I glanced over at Fin every few minutes, checking that she was sleeping peacefully.

Coen had told me she had been having nightmares with us being apart for so long. I hated that I never believed her.

I'd been having them too.

Recurring dreams of the vision that she had six months ago, before she left.

My warriors had left last night to get ahead of us. The pack had been restless, wanting to see their Luna again.

I glanced in the rear view mirror to see Genesis asleep, lent against the window with Ignacio asleep on her shoulder.

Coen was the only one awake. He looked tired but he just stared out of the window.

"You okay back there?" Coen jumped a little at the sound of my voice.

"Um, yeah. A little hungry though." I nodded.

"There's a rest stop in a few miles. Fin wanted coffee anyway." He smiled.

"She can never do anything without her coffee. Well, except injuring us when we joke about it." I chuckled. It sounded like her.

"She hasn't changed. Not from the minute she got to that mountain. She may act like she has but she hasn't. All she wants to do is take down Kacey and it's been like that since the day she left you." I sighed.

"Valentines Day." I mumbled.

"Valentines Day?" Coen asked.

"The day I argued with her; the day she left. It was Valentines Day." It was silent.

"Most mates were celebrating and going on romantic dates but I was accusing her of lying about the biggest threat in our lives."

"Don't take it so hard. I would have done the same thing if my mate told me my best friend was working with he enemy." He tried to reassure me.

"Plus, think of it this way. She found four guardians who are more than willing to help with this fight, plus her brother. In a way, you helped her become stronger."

"Four guardians?" I thought there were only three.

"I mean three." He answered a bit too quickly but I shrugged it off.

"Oh look. There's the rest stop." I pointed out. I turned into the parking lot and pulled into one of the empty spots.

"Fin." I placed my hand on her shoulder and shook her gently. She groaned but then sighed.

"Are we there yet?" She mumbled. I smiled at her. She looked so perfect.

"No there's another hour or so left." She groaned.

"But we're at a rest stop and there's coffee." She sat up and smiled at me.

"Then what're we waiting for?"

* * *

"Are they waiting for us?" I looked over at Fin. We were almost in our pack territory.

"I can tell them to wait until you're ready if you want." She shook her head.

"It's fine. I just didn't want to be mobbed if they hate me." I sighed.

"They don't hate you. They're even more exited than I am to get you back. They understand why you left." I took my hand in hers, keeping one hand on the steering wheel.

"Did you tell them the truth?" I nodded.

"They hated me at first but they've resolved their issues with me now." I pulled up on to the driveway of the pack house.

"Wow," I heard from the back. I got out and so did everyone else.

"Leave the bags in the trunk, we'll get them later." I walked over to Fin and grabbed her hand.

"You'll be fine." She nodded and reached up to place a kiss on my cheek.

"Alpha, Luna." I turned to see Jared.

"Nice to see you again Jared." I looked at Fin.

"You know him."

"Of course I do, he's your head warrior. How could I not?"

We were interrupted by a growl in the forest. Fin let go of my hand and walked over to Coen. She whispered something in his ear and he walked over to stand next to me.

She did the same with Genesis and Ignacio and they both came over to stand in line next to me.

Fin stood at the forest line and growled back.

A white wolf walked towards her slowly. It's fur was matted down in patches with dried blood and its eyes were pure black.

"Why are you here!?" Fin screamed at it.

"Who is that?" I asked. Coen, anger bubbling in my chest.

He looked at me and I remembered our conversation from earlier.

"The fourth guardian."

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