Chapter 18

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A/N: Can anyone make me some covers?"

Infinity's POV:

I was woken up with start, disturbing a sleeping Tobias next to me. I sat up, breathing heavily as the dream replayed in the back of my mind.

Everyone, the wolves, angels, vampires and even the demons, all against a giant army of rogues, led by a woman. I'm not exactly sure who, I couldn't see her face, but the air surrounding her seemed familiar. There was a particular moment of the dream that peaked my interest, but it wasn't good. I was fighting the mysterious woman. She seemed to have similar powers to me but she was struggling against me. She was good, i'll admit that, but it was obvious that she hadn't been in a fight for a while. She threw an attack at me that I wasn't expecting and I only noticed when it was too late. Tobias leaped in front of me to shield me from the attack and got hit instead of me.

It skipped to a part where I was sat on the blood-stained grass, grasping Tobias' lifeless hand whilst trying to fight off the woman. She only laughed a hysterical laugh; one that rang through my ears.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I was pulled into a hug.

"Shh, baby, its okay. I'm right here." I reached out for his hand and held onto it for dear life.

"I love you." I whispered. I could sense his confusion but he kissed my temple and repeated my words nevertheless.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He traced circles on my hand with his thumb while he held it gently in his. I slowly shook my head and he didn't push me to tell him, we just sat there for a few minutes, each of us buried deep in our thoughts. I groaned as the headache from earlier returned twice as worse. Tobias got off the bed and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. His hands were gipping on to my thighs with just enough pressure to keep me from falling but not enough to hurt me. He buried his head in my hair and inhaled my scent before walking to the door and out of the room.

He rubbed his thumbs across my thighs, sending tingles shooting through my legs. I looked behind me, in the direction we were heading. I realised we were heading to the kitchen. Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten anything since the other morning.

Tobais set me down on the counter and I watched him as wander around the kitchen in search of ingredients. I studied him as he moved. Okay, creepy.

He was light on his feet, almost carefree. it wouldn't even cross your mind that he was the Alpha of the biggest pack in the world. But, like I said, almost carefree.

He was heavy-handed when he needed to be, but it can go un-noticed to the un-trained eye. He was slightly tense, constantly looking over the shoulder of the pack. Being a strong pack with a strong leader comes with the responsibility of looking after every member. People try to crush your dreams, ruin your chances of having anything close to freedom.

As I looked over at my mate, I couldn't help but wonder how I got so lucky.

I continued to watch him as he made pancakes for us to share.
I couldn't help but remember that day in the kitchen when he made me pancakes. The day I shifted. The day I started talking again. The day he met my mother.

So much has happened since I met him and I don't regret any of it.

It's short I know. My wifi doesn't want to work on my laptop so I had to write this on my phone. I'll try and update again soon but it's a bit more difficult on my phone.
Cupquakey 💕

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