Chapter 35

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1 year later

"Blaise, what the fuck do I do now?" I whispered in shock.

"You have to tell him. He'll find out eventually." I sighed, knowing he was right.

"Fin? Are you in there?" Tobias' deep voice echoed through our bedroom.


I looked at Blaise in panic but he shook his head and motioned towards the door.

I placed a hand on the door handle, glancing at the engagement ring on my left hand before opening the door.

Blaise stepped out next to me and Tobias looked at us both in confusion.

"You can go now." I mind linked Blaise.

"Okay but I'm letting you know there's a camera behind the lamp recording right now."

I rolled my eyes as he walked out of the room.

"What happened?" Tobias asked me suspiciously.

"Uh, well, you know how I've been sick lately?" He nodded and motioned for me to continue.

"Yeah, I'm not sick." I showed him the white stick that I held in my hand.

"Two pink lines means... Oh my goddess." He picked me up and spun me around before placing me back on the ground and kissing me on the lips.

"You're pregnant?" I nodded.

"I love you so much." He whispered before kissing me again.

"I love you too,"

6 years later

"It's the anniversary today. Are you going to be okay?" I nodded but my act was ruined when I let a tear roll down my cheek. Coen came and sat next to me.

I glanced at the picture at the side of my bed.

"It's been five years. It hurts but I'm better." I smiled as my 3 year old Damon came bounding into the room.

"Hi mommy." I giggled at him.

"Hi Damon." I hear laughter behind me and I turned to see Tobias walking out of the walk-in closet.

"You two are just the cutest." He picked Damon up and he squealed.

"You ready?" He asked once he had put Damon down.

I nodded and Damon crawled over to me.

"Are we going to see Oppy?" He asked me.

"Yeah, we are sweetie." He smiled at me, despite the dark mood.

I picked Damon up and rested him on my hip. I looked at everyone. We were all dressed in black, a tradition we held onto ever since that day.

Tobias grabbed the hand that wasn't supporting Damon and lead me outside to the car.

The damp air hit me the moment I stepped out of the car. The gravel crunched under my shoes as I walked, the other following close behind and Tobias at my side.

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