Chapter 14: I'm Yours

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Infinity's POV:I open my eyes to see Tobias already staring at me. "Hey baby." His voice was deeper than usual but it just made him even sexier. Did I actually just say that?"Good morning." I yawned.   He chuckles and pulls me in for a hug. I willingly relax in his embrace. He was warm and I found myself involuntarily find myself snuggling closer to him."How do you feel? You know, with everything that happened yesterday?" I groaned and sat up, placing my head in my hands as the events of yesterday came flooding back into my memory."I need to start working on my powers and how to use them." I lifted the covers to get out of bed but two strong arms pulling back, the person they were attached to having better ideas. Tobias buried his head in the crook of my neck, leaving behind a trail of wet kisses as her licked and nibbled at my soft spot, where my mark should be. He gently kissed it, making the patch of skin surrounding it erupt into a wildfire of sparks. He licked and kissed it, occasionally poking it with his canines. He looked at me, just to make sure I definitely wanted this and I nodded breathlessly. I closed my eyes and relaxed, knowing it would hurt even more if I struggled or was tense. There was a slight pause before he bit into my neck. I hissed in pain and grabbed the bedsheets. The pain slowly subsided and was replaced by and unexplainable pleasure. I arched my back as Tobias licked and sucked at my mark, making my whole body go numb. As soon as he was done, his lips captured mine in a kiss filled with so much emotion. "You're mine.""I'm yours."
----------------------------------------------------------------Part 2 of the double update. I love it. Remember to vote and comment.

Cupquakey <3

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