Chapter 31

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So we hit 13K.
13 is my favourite number. Not just because it's how old I am, but because it's the most unlucky number.
Weird right?

Infinity's POV:

"Did you bring her here?" I almost screamed at Blaise. He was my cousin, yes, but my family? Not a chance.

He wasn't at the mountain when I first got there but he came about a month after, claiming that he'd escaped from Kacey.

"Of course I didn't." I glared at him for what felt like the millionth time.

"But I bet she's looking for you." I stood up and walked out of the door, ready to face whatever Kacey threw at me.

Tobias tried telling me to stop but I wouldn't listen. I wanted that bitch's head on a stake.

I walked outside and there she was, on the edge of the treeline, looking right at me.

"Fin, my dear. How are you?"

"Cut the bullshit Kacey." She gasped but the smirked at me.

"No Aunt? No hug? No smile? My, you have changed since going back to your mother." I growled at her but she laughed. A sickening cackle, the one of a witch.

"You won't be able to beat me Kacey. You're just a witch."

"A witch with the Moon Goddess' bloodline." I smiled, knowing that she didn't know who my father was really.

"Whereas you, are just half werewolf and half Goddess." She continued. I laughed.

A concerned look crossed her face but I ignored it.

I looked behind me to see Tobias, Genesis, Coen, Ignacio and Blaise stood watching me.

"I see Blaise ran off to join you again." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like you do anything for him. He's your own son and yet you treat him like a slave."

"He was a mistake that was never supposed to happen. He ruined my life. He's the reason I got kicked out of my pack. He's the one that lead you to you mother. He's been helping you all along and that makes him no son of mine."

I looked over at Blaise to see him staring at his mother with a blank face.

"You have two days, my dear." I looked back at Kacey to see Lace and Cammie stood next to her.

They looked just as evil as her with the crazy eyes and the crooked smile.

"You three disgust me." They all laughed and teleported away.

I turned back to Blaise.

"Was that true?"


"So it was you making me have those dreams?"


"And bringing me to the mountain?"


I stared at him, trying to process the situation.

"I was trying to protect you, to warn you. When Tobias... Well, I helped you find us at the mountain. As soon as I found out, Kacey locked me up. I had to do something." I nodded.

I remembered Lace and Cammie's faces. Their eyes were sad but their expressions were evil. They had no control over their own bodies anymore.

I sighed, I wasn't giving up yet.

"We have two days!"

I smiled.

"Lets bring this bitch down."

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