Chapter 25

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Give me second to recover from the fact that Ariana Grande just released a song yesterday that is perfect for this chapter.

Infinity's POV:

My favourite par of this bloody mountain is the training simulator. It's extremely high-tech for werewolves, but then again, we aren't normal werewolves.

The simulator could be programmed with the holograms of real people and places to add to the effect. It plays out different possibilities of the situations you programme it to play out in order to prepare you for things that might happen.

So far, I had died in every single one of the out comes.

I guess the only thing is, they simulator only simulates the actual battle; not what happens before or after, which is why I kept losing.

If only there was something to motivate me. In the real fight Kacey would probably say something about my mother to impulse my actions but you cant exactly replicate that if it hasn't happened yet.

Its been like this ever since I got here 6 months ago.

I sighed and shut down the simulator.

"Infinity." I turned to look at Coen.

"We need to talk. You've been in here for hours. You can't avoid this conversation forever."

"I know, I know. A lot happened today." He came over and pulled me into his chest, resting his chin on my head.

"I think Tobias thinks your cheating on him with me."

"Because he walked in on us hugging?"

"Alphas are extremely possessive you know."

"I know. That's why I don't really want to go back. Yeah I have you four to train and I'm needed both here and there but after being gone for so long I doubt he'd let me out of his sight let alone fight in a battle against an extremely powerful woman with supernatural powers."

He let me go and held me at arm's length.

"You are a dangerous woman Fin. I don't doubt for one second that he'd be able to keep you under control."

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Now, do you want to test this thing together?" I nodded and he walked over to the simulator panel, starting it up and choosing a random situation.

Fight Simulator Scene

Coen stood next to me as we waited for the simulator to load up.
When it finally did, we were stood in a traditional Japanese garden, filled with small streams and cherry blossom trees.
We were currently stood on a wooden bridge over a river.

"Japan huh? I bet you there's ninjas."

"I doubt that."

We ran off the bridge and onto a fairly large space of grass.

"So? What are we fighting then?" As if on cue, which it probably was, around twenty ninjas in all-black clothing jumped out from various directions.

"Called it!" I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Shut up and fight." We both lunged at one of the ninjas, attracting the attention of the others.
I punched the ninja in the face sending him tumbling backwards. While he was distracted, I managed to kick another one in the chest, making him loose his breath for he time being. I was eventually fighting off at least six of the ninjas and Coen's situation wasn't much different. The others weren't paying attention to us. I'm not quite sure what they were doing.
A fist came flying towards my face but I caught it and flipped the ninjas onto its back.

"Coen, how many are left?" I shouted over to him. We figured out that the system was treating the battle as a wrestling match. One the ninja was down and didn't get up after a certain amount of time, it was considered "dead".

"Eight, I think." He kicked another one into one of the cherry blossom trees

"Make that seven." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to be better than me. I grabbed two of the ninjas by the hair and smashed their heads together, knocking them out cold.

"Remind me never to be cocky with you again." He shouted over to me.
We continued to take out the ninjas one by one and eventually there were only two left.

"You doing okay Fin?"

"Yup." I roundhouse kicked the last one in the face sending him flying toward the ground.

"Jesus gurl. That's gotta leave a bruise."

"Dude, it's a simulation."

"That doesn't mean it didn't hurt." I joined Coen in his attempt to knock out the last ninja.
A blow to the stomach from Coen finally sent him tumbling to the floor.

"Yes!" He high-fived me and the simulation ended.


We walked out of the room to come face to face with Tobias.

"I thought you left." He raised his eyebrow and motioned between the two of us.

"Care to explain what's happening?"

"We were training. It's pretty obvious isn't it." Coen answered for me.

"I wasn't talking to you mutt." Coen stepped forward but I pushed him back.

"Stop it. We were training. Nothing more."

"And how can I believe you. With you being gone for six months and all."

I'm about to punch this motherfucker in the face, mate or not.

"Because he's my brother."

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