Chapter 5: Speak, Little Luna

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Tobias' POV:
"Why internal? Fin, what did they do to you?" Kacey looked at my mate. My mate picked up a pen and some paper and wrote something down. Can she not speak? Kacey grabbed the paper and mind linked me.
"Make those sick bastards pay for what they did to her."
"Don't worry, I already am. Anyway why do you care so much about her?"
"Remember my sister Angelica?"
"Yeah. The one who was killed by her own mate."
"This is her daughter."
And with that she left me and my mate alone. She grabbed a pen and paper once again and wrote something down. When I read what was on it, I almost lost control to Xavier again.
'Are you going to reject me?'
"Of course not I would never reject you would die!" I assured her I walked up to the bed and pulled her into a hug. She leaned into my embrace and I rested my chin on her head.
"So what's your name? Infinity was it?" She simply nodded. It was the most beautiful name I'd ever heard. It sent chills throughout my body. She pulled away from me and grabbed the pen and paper.
'What's your name?' Shit. I hadn't introduced myself.
"Stupid" Xavier said to me but I carried on talking to Infinity.
"My name is Tobias. I am 21 years old and I am the Alpha of the Shadow Moon Pack." Her eyes widened as I said 'Alpha'.
'I'm going to be a Luna?' She scribbled down.
"Yes you are, but don't worry, I think you will make a perfect Luna; mute or not." She smiled up at me. She stood up and lifted the blanket from beneath her. She climbed into bed and let out a yawn as she pulled the covers over herself. I let out a low chuckle and started to unbuckle my belt and take my jeans off. This must have caused her to remember something because the next minute she's shot out of bed and ran to the corner with tears running down her face. I was at her side in an instant. As soon as she realised I wasn't going to hurt her, she leaned in to my touch.
"Its okay. I would never hurt you. I don't know what the Midnight Fall Pack did to you to make you act like this, but I sure as hell won't let them get away with it." I heard her let out shaky breath and she cuddled into me even more. I picked up bridal-style and carried her to our bed. I gently placed her down and covered her up before laying down next to her. I placed my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I wish I could hear her speak but she can't.
"But she can!"
"What do you mean Xavier?"
"She can speak, she just chooses not to"
"How do you know this?"
"Trinity told me and showed me everything."
"Infinity's wolf."
In that case my goal is to not only take down the Midnight Fall Pack, but to hear your voice, little mate.

Hello people of earth! 🙅🏼
Chapter 5 up for everybody! You know it didn't actually take me long to write the first 10 chapters of this book. It took me about six days-ish but it was well worth it. Remember to vote and comment!
Cupquakey 💕

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