Chapter 28

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Hey what's up its been a while- totally not quoting ZAYN right there......

This is shorter because I missed a week and there's a double update in store.

Infinity's POV;

I yawned as I stood watching everyone place their bags in the SUV. It was half past six in the morning and I hadn't had coffee yet like I usually would.

Tobias had promised to stop at a coffee shop on the way but I doubt I'd be able to stay awake that long.

"You sure you want to do this?" I looked over to Coen standing next to me.

"Of course. This place was getting tiring anyway. Six months trapped in a mountain with no windows can drive you to the edge of your sanity. I can't believe you three have been here six years." He shrugged in response.

"I guess when you've been here so long, you get used to it. Especially since I've been here since I was twelve." I nodded. We both never had the chance to live normal childhoods, growing up with normal parents, going to a normal school with normal friends.

Being the child of the Moon Goddess and the Devil has it's downfalls.

"We're finally leaving this place, huh?" Ignacio smiled as he walked up to us. 

"If only your mom would help us." Genesis added as she joined us as we looked down the mountain, into the snowy abyss below.

"She's too busy trying to keep the fact that the Moon Goddess exists a secret." Tobias made his way over to us.

"Do you guys want to get into the car? I need to talk to Infinity for a second." The three nodded simply, and walked over to he SUV.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I placed a hand on his cheek and stroked across it with my thumb.

"I already agreed to it and you woke me up at six am so there's no going back now." He took my hand off of his cheek and held it in his.

"Are you sure that's the only reason." I shook my head.

"I miss you. A lot." I admitted.

"I miss the pack, the good times, the happy times." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I miss the pack. I hate how I was finally happy and had everything that I wanted and it was all taken away by some bitch who thinks she's family to me." Yet another tear, and another rolled down my cheek.

"I found so much at that pack, my mate, my friends, my family, my powers," Tobias pulled me into his chest and stroked my back.

"My happiness." I whispered, knowing he could hear me.

"Well, let's go back and make new memories. Once all of this is over with Kacey, we can live our lives properly and start a family." I smiled as he lent down to place a kiss on my lips.

"Ew! No PDA around me! I may have only just found Fin but she's still my sister!" I smiled at Coen's ridiculous screaming.

I grabbed Tobias' hand and pulled him over to the SUV ready to begin the eight hour long journey back to his pack- our pack.

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