Chapter 26

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Tobias' POV;

Of course he is.

I mentally slapped myself for getting jealous without knowing the situation.

I guess you cant exactly blame me.

She went missing for six months and I had no idea what she was doing.

Then again I am her mate. Why would she cheat on me?


"Yeah. My mom told me a few days before you arrived. I'm sorry if it looked like something different." She sounded genuinely sincere.  I looked over to Coen.

"Can you please leave us alone?" He nodded and teleported out of the room. Can't these people walk like normal wolves do?

"I'm sorry for not believing you about Kacey. I'm sorry I tried to bring you back when you aren't ready. I'm sorry for-" Infinity grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down, attaching my lips to hers.

Oh god, how I had missed this.

"Don't apologise." I was about to speak when she cut me off. Again.

"No. Let me speak." I stayed silent and watched as she took a deep breath.

"I shouldn't have stayed here for so long. It's been killing me inside not being able to see you or talk to you every day. I though I was doing the right thing; giving myself space, training these four to help me. But after that conversation earlier, I realised I was wrong. Wrong for leaving the pack, leaving you." I grabbed her hand and let her continue.

"I also realised I can't just train these four. When Kacey attacks, she'll attack your - our pack. Your warriors are nowhere near ready to face what's up ahead." I nodded in agreement. We couldn't possibly predict what will happen in his attack and we have no way of being prepared for it.

"So I'm coming back." My eyes widened and my lips parted slightly in shock.

"You are?" She nodded, biting her lip.

"Me, Coen, Ignacio, and Genesis. We will help train your warriors as much as possible for this attack." I picked her up and twirled her around, holding onto her as if I would lose her again.

"I am not letting you go."

*Time skip*

"We can't do this alone. She is your sister. You are more powerful than all of us. You can help beat her."

We were currently stood in Infinity's mom's office.

Apparently the Moon Goddess has an office.

"I'm sorry, child. It's not possible. Only you, Tobias and the other four know of my existence. I can't risk it for a mere fight."

"A fight? Are you fucking serious? This is a war involving six guardians. Do you really think it'll be over in one punch and everything will go back to sunshine and rainbows "

And apparently the Moon Goddess has fights with her children just like any other mom.

Well, not exactly.

"Together you are strong enough. You may have to lose something dear to you but it will be worth it in the long run."

"Tobias dies. Do you fucking think I'm actually going to let that happen and be completely okay with it. He is my mate for goddess sake! Why the fuck would you think me of all people would just let someone die just so it will be worth it in the long run? I know I'm being selfish thinking only about me and my mate and nobody else's but right now I couldn't give a bloody fuck what anyone thinks because they haven't been through what I have been through and is going through so I'm not just going to let my happiness slip away again and I'm not going to let thousands of innocent wolves die for no fucking reason. So excuse me i have a pack to train for a highly anticipated supernatural war and I'm going to win it with or without your help." I followed after Infinity who stormed out of her mother's office.

"Fin." She ignored me and carried on walking.

"Fin!" I grabbed her hand, making her face me.

"We will win this. If I die, then I die." A tear rolled down her cheek and I wiped it away before it fell to the floor.

"I don't want to lose you." She whispered. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her, enclosing her in a hug.

"You won't."

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