Chapter 1

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Shen Mi has been obsessed with Yan Fan since she was fourteen years old...
Shen Mi and Yan Fan live in the same community, but in the past fourteen years, Shen Mi didn't pay much attention to this little boy. elder brother.
Yan Huang was six years older than her. When she went to his elementary school, he had just graduated. When she went to his middle school, he had just gone to college, so they basically had no interaction with each other. Shen Mi was very interested in Yan Ru. My grandfather is more familiar with it.
Grandpa Yan Rui was the vice president of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital. After he retired, he couldn't keep busy. He bought a shop on the first floor of the community and openeda traditional Chinese medicine clinic. Basically, he charged a fee, especially for the aunts and uncles in the same district. Whenever they felt uncomfortable, they would Go to him, he won't charge you even if you don't prescribe medicine, he is a very kind man.
Occasionally, Shen Mi would go to the hospital for colds, sore throats, and coughs. If she needed an injection, Grandpa Yan would also suggest going to the hospital. She was really very conscientious.
During this period, Shen Mi also met Yan Yan several times. She felt that this little brother from the Yan family was very handsome, but he felt a bit cold. No one was too lazy to look at the same arrogant look. Shen Mi subconsciously felt that this little brother was difficult to get along with.
Until the winter when she was fourteen years old, when the Chinese New Year was approaching, she woke up with a stiff neck and pain when she moved her neck. The Shen family's grandfather took Shen Mi to the hospital to see Yan Fan's grandfather.
As a result, Grandpa Yan Rui had something to do and the door was closed that day. When Grandpa Shen saw the way his beloved grandson's head was tilted, he felt so distressed that he couldn't wait any longer, so he took Shen Mi to Yan Rui's house.
After knocking for a while, the door opened. Through the security door, Shen Mi saw that the person who opened the door was not Grandpa Yan, but the younger brother of the Yan family, Yan Rui."Hey, is it Grandpa Shen?" Yan Fan, who was woken up from his sleep, grabbed his hair with one hand and opened the security door with the other.
The door opened and Shen Mi saw Yan Yan. He was wearing a light gray long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. His hair was a little messy and he looked like he had just woken up. There was a laziness in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, completely gone. The arrogant and cool feeling in my impression is that he is still handsome!
Normally, Shen Mi would have quietly taken a second look, but this time, she couldn't straighten her neck and her head was tilted, which was very embarrassing!
Shen Mi quickly turned her head away from her crooked neck and lowered her eyes to the side of the wall, her face feeling unnaturally hot.
"Hey... Yan Rui, is your grandpa at home?" Grandpa Shen asked with a smile.
"My grandpa has opened the door." Yan Yan's eyes darkened. It was past nine o'clock. Shouldn't his grandpa be at the hospital?
"He's not in the hospital, the door is closed, so I... ha..." Grandpa Shen laughed awkwardly, "Then forget it if he's not there, forget it, I'll go find him again in the afternoon."
Grandpa Shen's family There was obviously something going on. Yan Yan glanced at Shen Mi, who was looking at the wall with her head turned away unnaturally, "Grandpa Shen, what's the matter with you?"
"Oh, my granddaughter has a stiff neck. It's a bit serious. I want to see your grandpa. Help me take a look." Grandpa Shen said directly.
Yan Fan was puzzled in his heart and looked at Shen Mi again, but something felt wrong about Shen Mi who felt his gaze.
She couldn't turn her neck but could turn her body. She pretended to be calm and turned around to look at Yan Fan. She smiled silently with her mouth split open as a polite response.
Yan Rui remembered Shen Mi. He had the impression that this little girl was cute and had a sweet mouth. When he went to the hospital, he called him "Grandpa Yan" and then called him "Grandpa Yan" again. However, he had never spoken to him and felt a little afraid of him. look.

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