Chapter 27

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The bar Shen Mi chose was not hidden, and it was easy to find. Within 20 minutes, Yan Yan's car stopped in front of the bar.
He got out of the car and quickly walked into the bar. He stood at the door and looked around, easily finding Shen Mi sitting in the corner in the dim light.
At this moment, Shen Mi was holding the bottle of wine and trying hard to drink it. She had no choice but to do it. Although she felt a little tipsy, she was still just a little tipsy. She always felt a little worse. She was afraid that Yan Rui would betray her when he saw her. .
Yan Yu frowned, exhaled softly, and walked to the table in the corner in three steps and two steps at a time.
Feeling that someone was suddenly standing next to her, Shen Mi's chest froze. She raised her head and saw Yan Yan's face, which was a bit elongated. She trembled with her lips filled with wine and squeezed out three words, "Brother Yan..."
Yan Fan didn't say anything, his eyes glanced at the wine bottle she was still holding in her hand, and he pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. "What's going on?"
Shen Mi blinked lightly, immediately lowered her eyes, and said in a pitiful voice. He replied, "I thought he came to see me and went back to school with me, but... after dinner in the afternoon, he said he was going to school first, and said... we are not suitable."
"I just Tell me, you still don’t believe that guy is unreliable, now you know?”
“Aren’t you trying to comfort her?” How did it become training?
Shen Mi raised her head with three question marks on her head, and saw Yan Rui turning his head to look in the direction of the bar, raising his hand to wave, and then turned back.
Shen Mi quickly lowered her eyes and continued to look aggrieved, while Yan Fan glanced at the four wine bottles on the table, one was empty and three were full.
"How much have you drunk?" he asked, picking up an untouched bottle and bringing it to his lips to take a sip.
Yan Huang's anti-customer feeling made Shen Mi lip stunned for a second before replying, "Four, four and a half bottles."
"I still remember how much I drank but I was not drunk." Yan Huang put down the bottle and took off his brown stand-collar coat. .
At this time, the waiter at the bar also came over. He put his clothes on the armchair next to him and said to the waiter: "Get another half dozen."
What? ! Get another half dozen? !
"Okay, just a moment." The waiter responded and immediately turned around to get the wine.
Shen Mi was completely stunned. Yan Fan had already turned his head, curled his lips and smiled at her, "I'll drink with you."
An hour later, Yan Fan could walk with his left foot and right foot. Shen Mi walked out of the bar and got into the car.
In fact, Shen Mi only drank two bottles later, and the rest were all ended by Yan Rui. Why did her world turn and turn, but he seemed to have nothing to do.
"I didn't expect you to be so good at drinking..." Shen Mi leaned on the passenger seat and turned her head to look at Yan Fan, who was looking down at his cell phone in the driver's seat.
"Every day I have a meal with my grandpa and have a drink with him. Didn't I tell you?"
"No." Although she was so drunk that she couldn't walk straight, she still remembered her purpose. "By the way, I'm like this If I go back, I will probably be beaten to death by my grandfather and my father.”
“I thought so too, so I was looking at the room.” “
What? ” ! Is he looking at the room? ! She hasn't said anything yet about what Li Youwei taught her!
Shen Mi's heart skipped a beat, and Yan Fan raised his head to look at her and said calmly: "There is a hotel five hundred meters ahead. The environment is good from the pictures and the ratings are high. Let's just spend one night here."
"Oh... ...Okay..." Shen Mi replied blankly.
Yan Fan didn't waste any time, put down his cell phone, started the car and drove straight ahead for 500 meters.
"Well, Brother Yan."
"Are you going back later?"
"If you don't go back, I won't worry about you staying in the hotel alone." Just
as Shen Mi's heart jumped, Yan Hong said again: "I see Check it out. There are two rooms next to each other. If you need anything at night, just call."
Shen Mi frowned and looked at Yan Yan, "Can't we stay in the same room?"
After she finished speaking, the car stopped for a moment. Although she was not driving very fast, Shen Mi's body still trembled forward, and her head suddenly became dizzy.
"What did you just say?" Yan Huang looked steadily at Shen Mi who raised her hand to support her forehead.
Shen Mi raised her eyes and saw Yan Fan's suddenly darkened face, and his eyes looking at her were also heavy.
But as the saying goes, drunkenness makes people cowardly. Normally, Shen Mi would have withered. But now she looked back at him without showing any signs of weakness, "I said, can't we live in the same room?"
Yan Yan tightened her grip. She pursed her lips and said nothing, just looking at her. Seeing that Shen Mi's courage, strengthened by the wine, almost shrunk into a ball, she suddenly nodded lightly and started the car again.

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