Chapter 16

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The distance was getting closer, and the sound of the suitcase being dragged made Yan Rui, who had his eyes closed to concentrate, startled and opened his eyes.
He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and his eyes immediately met Shen Mi's.
Shen Mi's breath suddenly suffocated, and her head went blank for a moment. When she came back to her senses, she found that her steps had stopped.
She didn't want this, she wanted to be more natural, but Yan Fan's influence on her was really great. Even though he hadn't said a word for almost two years, he was still so important that he couldn't be underestimated!
After Shen Mi paused for a second, she took a deep breath and tried her best to curl her lips, squeeze out an unnatural smile, and mustered up the courage to walk towards Yan Fan.
Looking at Shen Mi, Yan Yan frowned slightly, slowly straightened up and put all his weight on the waist of the backrest, feeling very confused in his heart.
This little girl, since that incident, she either hid from him like a mouse seeing a cat, or lowered her head and pretended not to recognize him. What happened today?
Shen Mi stopped two steps away from Yan Yan. Daju and Dabai, who were climbing on Yan Yan's steps, looked up at her and saw that they were acquaintances. They meowed lazily and climbed down again.
Yan Yan saw that Shen Mi wanted to strike up a conversation with him, but was a little at a loss as if she didn't know what to say, so he took the initiative to speak.
"You're back?"
The clear and cool voice was heard for a long time, and the throbbing bubbled up from the bottom of her heart again, and her heart hit Shen Mi's chest hard.
"Ha...yeah." She laughed awkwardly and looked down at Dabai and Daju without knowing where to turn her eyes. "Uh...basking in the sun?"
As soon as Shen Mi finished speaking, she wanted to slap herself. , I don’t understand how I could ask such a lack of depth question, this is not the way to have an awkward conversation, right?
Yan Yan was also embarrassed, blinked slightly and replied, "Yeah."
"..." Scratch! Should she say next sentence, I'm going back first?
Shen Mi didn't want to leave so quickly. Her hand holding the suitcase lever was so tight that her knuckles turned white. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to make a good start.
After being silent for a few seconds, Yan Rui tilted his head slightly, looked at her who was still looking at Dabai Daju with her head lowered, and asked, "Aren't you going back yet?"
"Go back..." Shen Mi nodded slightly and clenched her fingertips tighter, "Well, I'll go back first."
Yan Yan was very uncomfortable with her weird and squirming appearance. I feel like the thorn stuck in my throat is coming up again.
So when Shen Mi reluctantly dragged her suitcase and took two steps, he stopped her, "Shen Mi."
Shen Mi's chest froze, she paused, turned her head and looked at Yan Wei, and then she There was a hint of tangle in those eyes that were always clear and seemed to be emotionless.
She had only seen that look once, when Yan Fan invited her to the coffee shop and told her that she had disturbed his life.
Fear suddenly rose, and Shen Mi's whole body tensed instantly. Yan Fan frowned slightly and asked, "Do you want to say something to me?"
"Uh... I... I..."
"Why don't you go in and sit down? Let's talk, let's have a cup of tea. "Actually, he also had something to say to him.
In the past two years, he and the principal of No. 4 Middle School have become closer, and they have become close friends. Shen Mi is studying in the normal school. Although the school is not very good, if she has a good relationship, she should be able to work in No. 4 Middle School, but not Know if she is interested.
However, Shen Mi had just heard the word "drink tea", and the image of Yan Fan asking her to drink coffee flashed through her mind. While her heart, which had been in panic, began to sink into her stomach, she instantly calmed down.
"No." She shook her head. The embarrassment was gone, and the trembling in her voice had disappeared. "But I do have something to say to you."
"...You say it."
"Well, I want to say I'm sorry to you. ." Shen Mi smiled, Xu Shiren calmed down, her laughter became more natural, and her bragging was also very natural.
"I'm sorry?" Shouldn't he be the one to say it? Yan Hong was confused by Shen Mi.
"That's right." Shen Mi curled her lips, "I said I didn't care when you said those kinds of things to me before, but in fact I did. I didn't know how to face you, so I kept avoiding you. "
..." He saw it.
"However, I understand now that you did it for my own good, so I want to say sorry to you."
"Actually... what I said was really serious. I think it should be me..."
"No, no, no!" Shen Mi interrupted Yan Yan, "I used to be so naive. If you don't say the key points, it probably won't be effective. After all, study was the most important thing at that time."
Shen Mi's words were quite beautiful, and she felt like she was thinking longer. Several years old, quite mature.
Yan Fan was delighted, and his thin lips curved beautifully, "Why do you understand so suddenly?"
"Uh... Well, I told Brother Yan, Brother Yan, don't tell my grandpa." Shen Mi pretended to be mysterious, He pretends to be cute and calls him brother, which brings the two of them closer to each other.
"Do I look so nosy?" Yan Fan replied in a funny tone.
"Hey, of course it doesn't look like it." Shen Mi smiled, took a step towards Yan Fan, bowed her waist slightly, and lowered her voice and said, "I have a boyfriend."
? ? ?
Got a boyfriend?
Yan Yan's smile froze on his lips instantly.

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