Chapter 25

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The next day, Shen Mi still got up early in the morning.
But she didn't rush to find Yan Rui. After taking a shower, she rummaged through the cabinets and tried on clothes for more than half an hour. She even put on makeup and mascara. She originally wanted to put on eyeliner, but her hands were too weak. .
When he went downstairs at half past ten, Yan Fan was wondering why Shen Mi hadn't shown up today when he heard her calling him.
"Brother Yan." Shen Mi stood at the door of the medical clinic, holding the strap of her cross-body bag in her hands, the corners of her lips raised, but her heart beating hard.
Yan Yan's lips curled up when he heard her voice, but when his eyes fell on her, his smile suddenly froze on his lips.
"You...are you going out?" Yan Huang asked.
"Yes!" Shen Mi smiled back, deliberately lowering her eyes slightly to look shy.
Yan Rui felt bad, "Have you made an appointment?"
"Hey... my boyfriend came to see me."
As expected, Yan Rui still felt that his blood was a little coagulated.
He looked at Shen Mi expressionlessly, paused for two seconds and then nodded lightly, "Remember to go home early, it is dangerous for girls to stay out too late."
"Okay." Shen Mi nodded.
"Go ahead, don't let people wait."
Yan Fan's suddenly cold breath made Shen Mi feel relieved, but even after the words were spoken, it seemed that she could only hold on and hold on.
"Well, um, I'll go first."
Yan Fan said nothing, gently tugged the corner of his lower lip, lowered his head and picked up the tea cup.
Shen Mi pinched her shoulder bag with her fingertips, turned around and walked out of the community anxiously, feeling confused.
Yan Yan, who brought the teacup close to his lips, suddenly discovered that there was no tea in the cup at all, but he didn't even notice. He raised his eyes and looked at the empty door, holding the teacup with his fingertips so tightly that white marks appeared on his fingertips.
As Shen Mi walked out of the community, the more she thought about Yan Fan, the more uneasy she became. Suddenly she felt that as long as he could smile at her and chat with her every time she went to see him like before, it didn't matter whether he did it or not.
She I'm very afraid of Yan Fan's feeling of indifference and alienation, very afraid!
So she immediately called Li Youwei to ask for a remedy. As a result, she was extremely anxious, but Li Youwei smiled.
"Why are you anxious? It's a good thing to have a reaction. It means I'm really interested in you. If you're not interested, who cares who you go to see?"
"Are you sure? I'm very friendly."
"No, you go and have something to eat now, and then everything is done Let's go with the plan."
"That's it for now. I'll wait for your good news. Bye."
Li Youwei finished and hung up the phone. Shen Mi held her phone in the wind for a while before hailing a taxi. , go find something to eat first.
After lunch, she went to the cinema, bought two tickets, took a photo and sent it to her friends, and then watched the movie alone.
Twenty minutes later, Yan Fan, who had gone to the hospital after lunch, turned on his mobile phone and saw that Shen Mi, who had always had no updates, actually had new updates. When he opened the phone with an eyebrow raised, he saw two movie tickets, and he was immediately stunned. In the throat.
But what else could he do besides being angry? He had been brainwashed for more than half a month, but...
Yan Fan's head flashed back to the way Shen Mi stood at the door smiling shyly, clutching her cell phone so tightly that her joints turned white.
The little sweetie who always looked at her secretly was... someone else's. For more than half a month, he just regarded him as a brother, just like that time, he regarded her as the girl next door.
On the other side, after watching the movie, Shen Mi was wandering around the street with nothing to do. When she couldn't move anymore, she happened to pass by the coffee shop where Yan Fan made an appointment with her.

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