Chapter 6

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Grandpa Yan invited Grandpa Shen to come over and drink tea. Both cups were scalded and the tea was poured. Grandpa Shen was not polite and sat down on the sofa and picked up a cup.

"Xiao Mi Qian'er, drink some too, drink more water... By the way." Grandpa Yan said, turning his head to look at Yan Fan who was standing in front of the long table, "Yan Fan, give Xiao Mi Qian'er a cup of Xia Sangju." Drink some water."

"Okay." Another simple response, with a cold voice.
Shen Mi said thank you to Grandpa Yan, picked up the tea cup, lowered her head slightly and opened the drawer, took out Yan Yan's cut piece of paper to wrap the medicine and looked at it.

At this moment, he felt much different from the last time he met her at home, as if he had returned to the way he had once met her occasionally. He was aloof, arrogant, wearing a white coat, and had more of a sense of abstinence.
Shen Mi's heart felt inexplicably itchy, something was surging somewhere, and she didn't know how to describe it.

Yan Yan divided the prepared medicine into six parts and wrapped them in pieces of paper. When preparing the Xia Sang Ju, he added an extra layer of licorice.
After finishing it, he walked to the coffee table with the medicine and handed it to Grandpa Shen. "The medicine is divided. Three times a day, at least four hours apart. Don't eat spicy and fragrant things."

Grandpa Shen responded quickly, and then thanked him. After getting the money, he took Shen Mi back.
Shen Mi took one pack of the medicine Yan Huang prescribed for Shen Mi, and put the rest in a small box and carefully hid it in the drawer.

She thought that since she was already ill, she could wait as long as she could, so she just added some rock sugar to Xia Sangju, soaked it in water, drank it happily, and waited for the day after tomorrow to go to the hospital.

What she didn't expect was that when she woke up the next day, her throat no longer hurt and she no longer coughed. So... she had no choice but to stop chewing!
So she quietly ran to the canteen, bought ten packs of melon seeds, and potato chips, went home, closed the door, sat on the desk and stared at the medical center from the window while ravaging herself.

Then, Shen Mi's minor problem took almost half a month to get better. During this period, it was because Grandpa Shen suspected that Yan Fan's medical skills were not good and the medicine he prescribed was not good, which caused her condition to relapse, which scared Shen Mi so much that she did not dare to harm herself anymore. .

Not good at medical skills? How can it be! She'll be fine if she drinks some water!
In the days that followed, Shen Mi still climbed up the window to see Yan Fan every day, but she couldn't think of any other way. She couldn't just go up the stairs and let someone bandage her, right?

And pretending to be sick is not a long-term solution. You have to think about other good methods!
As for Yan Yan, he is not a careless person. How could he not feel that there is something wrong with Shen Mi's little problem?

And girls don't know how to hide their admiring looks at all, even though they all think they hide it well.
However, Yan Yan didn't take it too seriously, just treating it as a child who was ignorant, and it would naturally fade away over time.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he returned to school after the summer vacation, and when he came back during the winter vacation, that girl Shen Mi was actually sitting in the hospital playing chess and drinking tea with his grandfather!

This feels a bit like getting inside!
Fifteen-year-old Shen Mi is already able to do what he wants and please Grandpa Yan. She still blushes and her heart beats when she sees Yan Yan.
Sixteen-year-old Shen Mi has gone from being able to go in and out of the medical clinic freely to being able to go in and out of Yan Fan's house freely because she became a master of Grandpa Yan and said that she will also go to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in the future.

Not only can she call him "Yan Fan" when she sees him, "Brother Yan Ru" was heard, and the admiration in his eyes became more and more obvious.
Seventeen-year-old Shen Mi accepted Yan Fan's invitation for the first time. She thought it was a date, but what Yan Fan told her was actually... She had seriously interfered with his life...

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