Chapter 22

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Yan Rui, who had not slept well all night, went to open the door of the medical center at eight o'clock. After cleaning, he started making tea.
He was waiting for Shen Mi to come to him. She should...come...
However, when he waited until 11 o'clock, his grandfather had already gone back to prepare for lunch. The moment Shen Mi still didn't show up, Yan Hong's Confidence is disappearing little by little.
In fact, it's not that Shen Mi doesn't want to go to Yan Rui, but that Grandpa Yan is always there. She can't possibly learn the Love Sutra from Yan Rui in front of Grandpa Yan, right?
The other excuses were unrealistic. She was worried that Yan Fan would think that she was deliberately trying to strike up a conversation, so she could only wait.
She ate breakfast slowly and lay down by the window. Seeing that Grandpa Yan was still there, she started rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find clothes to change.
After changing clothes, I lay down again, idly tinkering with the foundation, eyebrow pencil and lipstick that I hadn't used a few times, and gave myself a light make-up.
After finally staying up until 11 o'clock, she leaned against the window again, and sure enough, not long after, she saw Grandpa Yan walking out of the hospital and heading to his unit building, obviously going back for lunch.
Shen Mi's eyes lit up and she immediately rushed out of the room.
"Little Mi, it's time to eat, where are you going?" Grandma Shen asked suspiciously as she looked at Shen Mi who rushed to the door to change her shoes.
"Oh, I'm going...I'm going to buy two bags of potato chips."
"We've already eaten, why don't we eat those."
"I'll save it for watching TV in the afternoon!" Shen Mi finished speaking and walked out the door, closing the door behind her back.
When she turned out of the corridor and walked to the door of the medical clinic, Yan Fan, who had already thought that she would not appear, had just taken off his white coat and put it on the armrest of the sofa, preparing to go back to eat.
"Brother Yan?" Shen Mi stood at the door of the medical center and poked her head in.
Yan Rui's chest froze, and he turned around to see Shen Mi standing at the foot of the stone steps of the medical center, with her hands behind her back and looking at him with a smile.
She was wearing a beige long skirt, a haze blue knitted sweater, and a beige woolen scarf. It looked like she had been carefully dressed, and... she also put on makeup...
See Yan Fan While she was silent, Shen Mi, who was excited to strike up a conversation, couldn't help but feel a little nervous again.
"Ha." She laughed awkwardly, "Are you going back for dinner?"
Yan Fan nodded, walked towards the door, and asked, "Are you going out for dinner?"
After all, at this time, she was still wearing makeup, so it should be an appointment. Went out to eat with someone.
Could it be that her boyfriend came to see her?
It's impossible. She just came back yesterday, and she shows up today. Is the pursuit so tight?
"No?" Shen Mi looked confused.
"I saw you were wearing makeup, so I thought you had an appointment to go out for dinner." Yan Rui was obviously lying.
However, Shen Mi didn't hear it. When he said it so directly, she raised her hand and touched her face in embarrassment, "I, I just put on some lipstick, it changed color, hey..."
It's not just that, it's obviously still... He has drawn on his eyebrows and put on foundation. Don’t think that because he is a man, he doesn’t understand anything.
"It's almost lunch, where are you going?"
"I'm going to buy... two cans of coffee." Shen Mi was afraid that Yan Yan would think she was childish, so she immediately changed the potato chips to coffee.
"Buy coffee?"
Yan Yan didn't believe it, but he didn't want to ask too directly. He paused for a second and said, "Buy me a can too. I haven't had it for a long time. , you suddenly felt like drinking."
Shen Mi thought that Yan Fan would have to go back to eat. Shen Mi's eyes lit up as the conversation was about to end, and she nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll buy it now."
"Wait a minute. "Seeing Shen Mi turning around hastily, Yan Fan stopped her, "I'll give you the money."
Shen Mi, who stopped, waved her hands quickly, "No, no,
that's so embarrassing ."
"It's just a can of coffee. I'm embarrassed to give you the money!"
After the expected answer, Yan Yan paused for a moment with some embarrassment before saying, "Then... I'll treat you to another day." "
While talking, Yan Hong not only naturally moved Chen Miji to buy him coffee, preparing to continue the conversation later, but also paved the way for the next intersection.
Shen Mi, who was originally going to trick Yan Yan, didn't realize that she was being tricked, and she ran towards the small shop happily.

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