Chapter 12

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Yan Yan's handsome eyebrows furrowed as he watched the taxi drive forward for more than ten meters and stop a little in front of the corridor of Shen Mi's house.

After a minute of this, the car door opened, and Shen Mi, wearing a navy blue Nizi coat, got out of the car with her head lowered.
She pulled the crossbody bag on her body, still lowered her head, walked to the back seat, opened the door, and dragged the suitcase out of the car with some difficulty.

Yan Yan could tell that she was deliberately avoiding him, and he wanted to help her, but he suppressed her.
He stroked his hand from Daju's head curled up on his knees to his back. Daju was so comfortable that he half-closed his eyes and meowed lazily.

However, from a distance of more than ten meters, Shen Mi could not only hear Da Ju's cry, but also clearly feel Yan Fan's gaze, which made her feel breathless and every movement was awkward.

She felt that she should at least turn around and smile at Yan Fan and say hello. This meant that she really didn't blame him.
But she couldn't do it. She was timid, afraid of embarrassment and unwilling to face him.

After closing the car door, Shen Mi dragged her suitcase forward, passed the taxi, and quickly turned into the corridor.
Yan Fan frowned slightly, and stopped stroking Daju. Daju meowed again, with a strong sense of dissatisfaction and coquettishness.
He lowered his eyes and watched Daju curling his lips, covering his head with his big hand and rubbing it.

Forget it, this is actually very good. If he deliberately approaches to please because of the guilt in his heart, and the little honey has no hope of repaying him, then his sin will be great.
During the entire holiday, due to Shen Mi's deliberate decision, Yan Fan had no interaction with her.

Only she herself knows that she still can't let go, she still often sits at the window and secretly looks at him, and her heart still hurts.
For Yan Yan, Shen Mi has already become a thorn in his heart without knowing it. Every time he hears the word Shen Mi, he will prick up his ears unconsciously.
The relationship between the two is like a river in the cold winter.

It seems to be three feet frozen, but in fact there is an undercurrent.
The opportunity to break the ice came when Shen Mi was forcibly kissed by a boy who was chasing her on Christmas Eve in her sophomore year.

The boy's name is Wang Can. He is one year older than her. He is sunny and handsome. Although he is not a school idol, he is still somewhat famous in the school.
Wang Can has been chasing her for half a year. He has given her gifts and bribed her roommate to be a lobbyist. He has spent a lot of time on her.

Although she has always maintained a refusal attitude, Wang Can seems to be getting more and more courageous.
On Christmas Eve, he took a few close friends and ran to the dormitory again, used a lantern to make a scene in the snow, and sat in the snow playing guitar and singing love songs, while the boys who came with him went crazy. Calling her name.

The entire girls' dormitory was in a very high mood. Many people opened their windows and watched, and more and more people gathered downstairs.
She originally wanted to continue to be a coward, but she was pushed out of the dormitory by her roommate who was more excited than her client.

After being pushed downstairs in the dormitory, Shen Mi could no longer turn around and leave. After all, it was in full view of everyone. If she left, it would not only hurt her feelings, but also her face and self-esteem.

She had felt that feeling before. At that time, there were no outsiders, and it was already so uncomfortable that it made people want to die.
Just when she didn't know what to do, Wang Can smiled so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes when he saw her coming out. He put down his guitar, picked up the gift he had prepared and trotted towards her standing at the door of the dormitory building.

"I thought you wouldn't come out." Wang Can smiled and stood in front of her.
Shen Mi looked at the smile on Wang Can's lips, as if she saw herself who had just received Yan Fan's invitation that year...

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