Chapter 23

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After buying coffee and returning to the hospital, Shen Mi handed the coffee to Yan Fan. Yan Fan opened it and took a few sips, then asked her if she wanted to sit down for a while. Anyway, it would be half an hour before dinner would be served at his house.
Shen Mi was eager for it. She nodded immediately and opened her own coffee, "It's the same at home. My grandma hasn't started cooking yet! By the way, Brother Yan, I thought about what you told me yesterday." "
Then. "I think I still have feelings boyfriend, otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to it, right?
" Shen Mi started her performance.
"Are you talking about a romantic feeling that you can't even answer?" Someone held a cup of coffee and raised his chin on the sofa. While gesturing for Shen Mi to sit down, he also started the serious brainwashing process.
So the two old actors insisted on calling home and urging them to go back for dinner, but they still didn't want to leave. In the end, Grandpa Shen came downstairs to arrest him, and Shen Mi smiled and waved, "Brother Yan, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Yan Fan ,
who found out that Shen Mi's boyfriend was not here and was just worried, smiled at Shen Mi and said, "Okay,
I'll leave first." Shen Mi finally raised her head and stayed in the hospital. At the door, he followed Grandpa Shen home who was already waiting impatiently.
Because she was in a good mood, she even ate an extra bowl of rice, until Grandpa Shen lost his appetite.
After lunch, Shen Mi took over the dishwashing job. When she finished washing the dishes and returned to the room, Grandpa Shen whispered to Grandma Shen who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, "I think Xiao Mi is a little bit fond of that boy from the old Yan family. What's that?"
"It's okay, there's nothing strange about it." Grandma Shen looked calm. After all, everyone knew about Shen Mi when she was a child a few years ago, not to mention that she is now a sophomore, so she doesn't remember it being strange. .
"I said, have you forgotten how my little sweetie came to go to university so far away?"
"Hiss—" Grandma Shen came back to her senses and finally moved her gaze from the anti-Japanese drama to Grandpa Shen's face, " Are you sure Mi Qian is interested in that boy Yan Yan..."
"Yesterday she followed my hair to honor Lao Yan, and today she went to the hospital to chat and laugh with that boy. What do you think?"
"Yan Yan and Mi Qian? You were talking and laughing, right?"
"I went downstairs to ask her to come back for dinner and see with my own eyes..." No! Is Yan Yan talking and laughing about his little honey? !
That boy usually doesn't joke, and rarely talks. I think back then, his little sweetie was chasing after him, but he didn't even look at him, which made them feel distressed. What's the situation now? !
Grandpa Shen also noticed something was wrong, and his voice paused. The two elders looked at each other for several seconds. Grandpa Shen frowned, "Speaking of which, it's not like that guy suddenly wanted to abduct my little honey!"
"It's hard to say!" Grandma Shen said. With a serious face, he said, "Look at that kid, he hasn't found a girlfriend in all these years. Maybe he just wants to get laid!"
"More than that! Look at how pretty our honey looks now. I think he regretted it a long time ago!" Grandpa Shen stood up and said, "No! I can't take advantage of that kid, I have to find Xiaomi Qian to be careful!"
Grandma Shen quickly grabbed Grandpa Shen's clothes. Xiu, "Why are you so anxious! We still don't know what happened. Let's observe it for two days and see. If it's really what you said, we'll go directly to Lao Yan!"


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