Chapter 15

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The forced kiss incident spread in the school. Shen Mi didn't know what was going on with Wang Can. Anyway, she was asked to talk.
Fortunately, she was the victim. The school just insinuated that a girl should know how to protect herself and protect the reputation of the school. After all, even a university is still a school.
Shen Mi felt more and more resentful. This incident happened inexplicably and made her become a celebrity in the school. She could receive countless attention gifts even when she returned to the dormitory.
Wang Can asked someone to come and apologize to her later, but he actually wanted to let her know. After all, he really had some trouble that night, and he was very concerned about Shen Mi's behavior.
It's a pity that the person he entrusted to him was quickly persuaded to retreat by Shen Mi's 'female killer' look on her face without even saying a few words. She also persuaded Wang Can to retreat.
Wang Can didn't give up, but it seemed that there was nothing he could do for the time being, so he didn't bother Shen Mi anymore, thinking that he would wait until she calmed down before talking.
As for Shen Mi, in fact, she no longer struggled with Wang Can's forced kiss. After all, she couldn't come back no matter how much she struggled with it. What she was more concerned about now was, what should she do for her first time?
The first kiss has disappeared inexplicably, but what about the first night? It can’t be so baffling!
Shen Mi has fallen into some kind of demonic barrier and is almost dying. When her roommate Zhang Hong saw a rape case, she came to Fan Minjie’s bed with her cell phone and started gossiping. Shen Mi’s hair stood on end while she was in a daze holding her laptop. stand up.
Although she really didn't want to associate that kind of terrible thing with herself, things in the world are unpredictable. If you don't fear ten thousand, just be afraid of what may happen!
No, no, she couldn't sit still and wait for death, she couldn't let herself regret it, she had to do something!
So, until she returned to Lincheng during the winter vacation and got into a taxi, Shen Mi was thinking about how she could put Yan Hong to sleep.
If you don't know Yan Yan well, you will think that he is an ascetic person and is not easy to get close to.
After getting to know him, you will find that he is not an abstinent person, but an ascetic person. Just like the old man, it is not difficult to get close to him, but if you want to sleep with him... Haha...
Don't mention it, Yan Rui claimed to have a girlfriend back then. He took her back to meet his parents, but it turned out that it had been almost two years. Not only had she never seen him bring any woman back, she had never even heard of him.
Obviously, when Yan Rui said that, he was just bragging and trying to persuade her to quit. She had reason to suspect that that guy was probably a virgin just like her!
Shen Mi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked sideways out of the car window, with one hand on her chest and the other rubbing her chin. She nodded to herself, completely unaware that the driver's uncle glanced sideways from time to time and looked at her with a suspicious look. .
When the car drove to the entrance of the community, Shen Mi shouted to stop the car.
"Stop! This is fine, Master!"
"Don't you need to go in?"
"No, no, no." Shen Mi shook her head.
If she guessed correctly, given the weather and this time, Yan Yan should be taking Da Ju and the others to bask in the sun at the entrance of the medical center.
So she can drag her luggage in, create a casual encounter first, take the initiative to strike up a conversation, and break the previous awkwardness, so that there will be more opportunities to get along with each other in the future.
When Shen Mi dragged her suitcase into the community and turned the corner, she saw an armchair in front of the medical center from a distance. Yan Yan, who was wearing a white coat, was sitting on the armchair. His steps were still crawling. One yellow and two objects.
Sure enough, let’s bask in the sun again!
As the corners of Shen Mi's lips raised, her heart also hung in her throat, especially as she went deeper and closer, the higher her heart hung.
After all, there is still a big gap between imagination and reality. When she thought about it, she felt like a superwoman, fearless, but in reality... she was still uncontrollably nervous.

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