Chapter 33

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What's wrong?" Yan Huang asked.
"I, I... please let me take it easy first..."
Yan Fan frowned, "It doesn't hurt? What's the point of taking it easy?"
"..." If it doesn't hurt, there's no need to take it easy? !
Shen Mi was speechless, but Yan Fan had lowered his head and moved toward her lips, and the penis buried in her body began to move slowly.
"Well, don't..." The voice came out, astringent, small and hoarse, not like resistance, but more like a coquettish response to rejection.
Yan Fan took her lips in his and swallowed the last part of her voice. He ignored her small hand that was pressed against his lower abdomen and did not constitute any obstacle. He moved his waist and hips slightly, using shallow pumps to comfort him slowly.
The fully awakened sexual organ was so hard that it stretched the tight vaginal passage. A numbness gradually rose from the strong feeling of fullness, and the vaginal passage that seemed to be numb before dispersed.
Shen Mi whimpered twice, and her stiff body began to soften. The hand against Yan Fan's lower abdomen slowly dropped weakly. It felt as if the strength was suddenly taken away from her body.
Her uvula was entangled with him, and he moved one of his hands to her chest at some point, grasped her whole breast in his palm, pinched it hard twice, and began to rub it with increasing force, and the huge breast that entered her body The scope of objects is also getting faster.
Shen Mi hummed as her senses continued to rise. When he pinched and rubbed her erect nipples with his wooden thumb and forefinger, her body trembled slightly and she raised a hand to grab his wrist.
But Yan Fan didn't stop playing with her nipples, not only because of the excellent touch, but also because of her sensitive reaction. He could clearly feel her trembling and the sudden heat flowing down her hole.
Foreplay was still needed, and he still needed to study it more before practicing it.
Shen Mi breathed quickly, and her sighs were accompanied by muffled moans. She wanted him to stop touching her nipples, but she was too embarrassed to say it.
The feeling was indescribable. It was numb and itchy, as if it was uncomfortable, but it didn't seem like it was. It immediately sandwiched her indescribable feeling and kept tugging on her nerves, making it impossible for her to ignore it.
She held her breasts and shrank her shoulders, but it was in vain. She couldn't avoid it, so she twisted her body subconsciously.
It was hard for Yan Huang to endure it, but her twisting it like this simply added fuel to the fire.
To prevent himself from losing control again, Yan Rui held his breath and let go of her lips, and withdrew his genitals from the tight narrow hole.
The extreme feeling of fullness suddenly disappeared, and Shen Mi felt that her heart, which was so swollen that it was climbing up her throat, suddenly sank, and an unspeakable emptiness immediately filled her lower abdomen.
She frowned, but before she could recover from the gap, Yan Fan had already moved down a little, arched her back, lowered her head and took the empty tip of her left breast into his mouth.
"Hmm -" Shen Mi was suddenly enveloped in a wet and hot mouth. She frowned and hummed in a low voice. Her toes clenched and she felt that the empty space was even emptier.
Finding that Shen Mi was not repulsive, Yan Rui sucked it tentatively first, then spit it out, flicked it with the tip of his tongue and licked it, then took another one and sucked it.
The numb itch spread from her nipples to her whole body. Shen Mi felt uncomfortable and wanted to pull something. Her increasingly empty hole shrank and secreted a large amount of lubricating fluid, bringing out the semen and virgin blood contained inside.
The salty smell in the air became stronger, and Shen Mi turned soft to mud. Only her fingertips still had strength left, and she clenched Yan Fan's arm tightly.

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