Chapter 8

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After returning home, Shen Mi rushed into her room and buried her face in the pillow before crying.
The voice was muffled in the pillow and turned into a muffled whimper. My heart felt like it was about to burst. It was so uncomfortable.

Yan Fan didn't like her, she knew it, she could feel it from his polite and distant attitude towards her and his eyes.
But being rejected so bluntly, both my feelings, self-esteem, and self-confidence were severely damaged.

Shen Mi wanted to hide in the room without seeing anyone, but after crying and calming down, she still had to wash her face and face it.
Otherwise, her family would be worried about her, especially after she went out with Yan Fan, and they would think about Yan Fan if she came back like this.

She couldn't let Yan Fan's grandparents, parents, and parents think about anything, so she had to pretend that nothing happened, and then... little by little... get out of his life.
The next day on Monday, after school at noon, Shen Mi reported to the hospital as usual and brought some food to Dabai and Daju.

Dabai and Daju were stray cats that suddenly appeared in their community two months ago. When Yan Yan saw it, he bought cat food, and then put some next to the trash can where they would look for food every day, and then slowly moved them to The door of the hospital.
Within a week, the two cats were meowing at the door of the hospital regularly begging for food.

She saw with her own eyes how Yan Yan made a cathouse out of wooden boards and then placed the cat's nest under the eaves at the door. Not long after, the two cats took up residence in front of the hospital.

The two cats now hang out in the community and bask in the sun every day, and they don't have to worry about eating, because not only Yanjia will give them food, but even people in the community will occasionally feed them, including her.

Standing at the door of Shen Mi's medical clinic, Yan Fan was the only one sitting on the wooden sofa. He paused and laughed awkwardly, "Ha, Grandpa Yan isn't here?"
Yan Fan looked at her and shook his head slightly. "He just went back, and I will go back for dinner soon."

In fact, he could go back with his grandfather, but for some reason, he used the excuse of looking for something and said he would go back later to let him They eat first and don't wait for him.
Maybe, he just wanted to wait and see if anything happened to Shen Mi. After all, she would report to the hospital every day after school.

"Oh..." The smile on the corner of Shen Mi's lips became even more embarrassing, because after yesterday, Yan Fan heard something in her ears, which sounded a bit like a slap in the face, "I, I have to go back to eat too."
Shen Mi said and turned around Standing up, Yan Fan felt her mood swings and frowned slightly.

Did he say the wrong thing again?
Because it was too embarrassing, and because her endurance was limited, Shen Mi rushed towards her unit building carrying the cans she bought for Dabai Daju.

She couldn't feed them now. Yan Rui had to leave, so she could feed them again.
Yan Fan stood up and walked to the door. He watched Shen Mi in school uniform walking into the corridor. He paused for a moment and lowered his eyes. He took a deep breath and sighed.

He walked into the hospital, took off his white coat and put it on the armrest of the sofa. closed.
Shen Mi hid behind the corridor and watched Yan Fan close the rolling shutter door, lock it and leave. She closed her eyes, turned around and leaned against the old wall, raised her head and took a deep breath.

Why do you want to cry again? Disappointment!
She took deep breaths several times, and finally suppressed the urge to cry. She opened her eyes, raised her hand to wipe away the water from the corners of her eyes, walked out of the corridor, and trotted to the kitten house next to the door of the hospital. Squat forward.

Dabai Daju, who was taking a leisurely nap inside, felt someone coming, and raised his head alertly. When he saw it was Shen Mi, his vigilance disappeared instantly, and Dabai meowed softly towards her

"Dabai Daju, look what I brought you today?" Shen Mi called the two cats by the meaningless names she gave them, while taking out a canned cat from her schoolbag.
These things are a bit expensive, and she would usually be reluctant to buy them, but things are different now. She will probably come to see them less often... even in the same community.

Dabai and Daju knew this thing. Yan Hua had fed them a few times, and he got up with bright eyes, walked out of the cattery, and even meowed to Shen Mi to please him.
The cat's fawning and coquettish look always makes people's hearts melt. Shen Mi raised a smile on her lips, squatted on the ground, picked up the tab on the can, and pulled hard.

She didn't know whether it was because she was weak, or because the edge of the can was not tied properly when handling it, so it was extremely tight. She pulled it several times at different angles, and finally managed to pull it open, but when it was halfway open, the tab actually broke!

She was speechless and didn't know what to do. Dabai and Daju screamed even more fiercely when they smelled the smell, which made her panic. She subconsciously pinched the raised iron sheet with her hands and pulled it back.

"Ah -" her finger slipped, and there was obvious pain in the pad of her thumb. Shen Mi let out a soft cry and dropped the can in her hand to the ground.
She frowned and raised her hand, and saw that the pad of her thumb was bleeding, and it was bleeding a little fiercely...
"What are you doing?" A cold voice sounded behind her.

Shen Mi's eyes narrowed, her heart skipped a beat, she shrank her hands and stood up, "No, it's nothing."
Yan's eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes swept over the two fresh red drops of blood on the ground, as well as the two drops of fresh blood that fell to the ground and had been beaten by Da Bai. Orange's head surrounded the canned cat, "Is your hand broken?"

"...Hmm." Shen Mi lowered her head and responded, her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat, because her eyes were astringent and her throat was tight.

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