Chapter 17

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Yan Fan's expression made Shen Mi think that her bragging had been seen through, and her heart skipped a beat.
"Brother Yan, what's wrong with you?" She straightened up and called Yan Fan cautiously.
After coming back to his senses, Yan Fan found that his head was empty for a moment. He blinked and shook his head, "'s nothing. When did you have a boyfriend?"
Damn! He couldn't really be seen through, and he actually asked her when he paid her! Yan Fan never likes to meddle in other people's business!
"It's just this semester..." Shen Mi felt guilty, she opened her eyes slightly and did not dare to look into Yan Fan's eyes, and her voice was a little wandering.
However, this look caught Yan Yan's eyes, and coupled with the fact that he had a boyfriend, he didn't look guilty, but more like shy.
His heart was a little confused and blocked for some reason. Yan Fan lowered his eyes and paused for two seconds before letting out a soft sigh.
Shen Mi was a little confused by Yan Fan's strange appearance, and asked tentatively: "Brother Yan, you don't really want to tell my grandpa, do you?"
"What are you thinking about?" This question made Yan Fan want to laugh, but But he didn't laugh. Instead, he felt something was wrong and added, "Why should I tell your grandpa? Besides, you are already a sophomore, so it is normal to have a boyfriend."
"Ha..." Shen Mi laughed dryly, and I don’t know what to say anymore.
She was just worried that Yan Fan would think that she still liked him and that he would be hostile to her and that he would not be able to get close to her. But when Yan Fan came out and said that it was normal to have a boyfriend, she felt a little prickly.
It's normal for her to have a boyfriend, why can't she like him?
Yan Fan, like Shen Mi, was a little confused and didn't know what to say for a while.
The silence lasted for three seconds. Yan Fan felt a little uncomfortable and bent over to pick up the lazy orange and put it on his lap. Then he raised his eyes and looked at Shen Mi, "Aren't you going back?"
"Uh... I'm going back now. Go back." Shen Mi smiled and turned around with her suitcase in hand.
At that moment of turning around, in Yan Fan's eyes, it was as if time suddenly slowed down. He saw how much her coat was lifted up, the way her slender waist was twisted, and even the wrinkles and texture of her sweater changed. So clear.
"Chen Mi." He called her, and when he opened his mouth, he realized that he had actually stopped her again.
"Huh?" Shen Mi turned around.
"Uh..." Yan Yan's lips parted slightly, and he paused for a second before asking, "Is your boyfriend from the same school as you?"
"Yes." Shen Mi nodded, feeling guilty, and her voice became softer again.
"Then...are you classmates?"
Shen Mi's mind flashed to Wang Can, and she subconsciously replied, "No, he is one year older than me, so he is my senior."
"Oh." Yan Hong nodded, "Go back quickly. Yes, your grandpa has been thinking about you this morning."
"Well, I'll come see Grandpa Yan tomorrow."
Yan Yan's lips curled up slightly and she said, "Okay."
Shen Mixin was relieved because of Yan Fan's last expression. There was no sense of deliberate distance between them at all.
In the past, it was obvious that there was a sense of indifference and polite alienation.
Shen Mi, who had achieved some success in her first step, dragged her suitcase home briskly, but looking at her back, Yan Yan's heart became more and more congested.
After Shen Mi turned into the corridor and disappeared, Yan Fan frowned, took a deep breath, lowered his eyes and sighed at Daju, who was lazily crawling on his lap. He didn't understand what was wrong with him.
It's not a bad thing for Shen Mi to have a boyfriend, as long as the other person really likes her and treats her well, that's fine, right? What is he blocking?
But then again, what is that boy like? He must look good, right? If it's doesn't seem to be good enough for Little Honey...
Not only the appearance, but also the height shouldn't be too bad, at least 178 or above. Little Honey has grown taller in the past two years, she should be 165. If it's too short, Even if they are good-looking, they are not a good match...
and are they good to her? Whether you really like her is also important.
No, if Little Honey comes back tomorrow, I have to ask her carefully, what if I meet a liar and a ruffian?

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