Chapter 14

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When Shen Mi threw the gift box at Wang Can, the noise around her stopped suddenly, and then turned into sighs and laughter after a pause for a few seconds.
Shen Mi clenched her fingertips and ran up the stairs past the two roommates who pushed her out of the dormitory building.
Realizing that he was in trouble, the two roommates looked at each other and hurriedly chased after him.
However, the two of them could only dare to follow Shen Mi and did not dare to go up and talk to her, because Shen Mi's face at this moment was terrifyingly gloomy, completely different from the usual sheep-like person who always smiled.
Shen Mi, who rushed back to the dormitory, entered the bathroom and slammed the door, then stood in front of the sink, turned on the water, and wiped her mouth.
The water was so cold that she couldn't feel it. All she could think about was the soft, warm and moist feeling of Wang Can kissing her just now, forcing her to pick up the toothbrush, squeeze out the toothpaste, and keep brushing her lips and teeth. .
When it comes to being disgusting, I can't really say it, but it's very nauseating, very nauseating!
Shen Mi brushed her teeth until her gums started to bleed before she stopped. When she walked out of the bathroom, her roommate kept apologizing to her.
She feebly walked to her bed, told her to be quiet, straightened up and lay down.
That night, Shen Mi was so depressed that she couldn't sleep, her head kept hitting Wang Can and Yan Fan's faces.
The next day, the incident between her and Wang Can spread on campus. On Christmas, everyone was having fun, but she hid in the dormitory and did not go out.
Zhang Hong and Fan Minjie, who had 'sold' her last night, also left, leaving only Li Youwei in the dormitory who never liked to talk, didn't like to join in the fun, and was always cold.
I don't know how long it took, but Li Youwei, who was sitting on the bedside reading a book, suddenly said, "Isn't it just a kiss? Why does it look like the end of the world?"
Holding the notebook, Shen Mi's chest froze, and she frowned, Turning around to look at Li Youwei, he said nothing.
Li Youwei put down the book and turned to look at her, "First kiss?"
The corners of Li Youwei's lips curved up in a teasing way, and Shen Mi lowered her eyes in displeasure and ignored her.
"Do you have someone you like?"
"...What does it have to do with you?" This is the first time that Shen Mi has spoken so hastily. After all, Li Youwei is the kind of person who ignores others who talk to her, but he was so proactive today. Gossiping about her made her feel like she was being picked on.
The air was silent for a few seconds, and then Li Youwei's voice sounded again, "A secret love?"
Shen Mi was completely angry, "What on earth do you want to do?"
"Nothing, just curious." Li Youwei raised the corners of his lips even higher, Putting down the book on his knees, he put his hand under the pillow and stretched it out, grabbing a pack of cigarettes.
Shen Mi's eyes opened slightly, and Li Youwei asked her with a smile, "Do you smoke?"
Shen Mi was stunned for a second and shook her head. Li Youwei opened the cigarette case with his thumb, took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and stuffed the cigarette case back under the pillow. He took out a lighter and lit the cigarette.
Li Youwei's movements were skillful and neat. The way she lit the cigarette and blew out the smoke at her fingertips completely refreshed her image in Shen Mi's mind.
Having been her roommate for more than a year, Li Youwei has always given people a feeling of arrogance and aloofness. In addition, most of the clothes she wears are brand-name goods. She has a strong petty bourgeois sentiment, giving people the feeling that she comes from a scholarly family.
Li Youwei puffed out the smoke and took another puff of cigarette before looking at Shen Mi, "Don't tell others."
"I also liked a boy before, my childhood sweetheart, and I regret it most now. The thing is, I didn't give it to him when I was with him in the first place, and in the end I gave someone else an advantage." Li Youwei's lips curved up with that sly smile again, "So a first kiss is nothing, even if it's the first time, you may not give it to him. The one you like, why bother asking for trouble?"
Li Youwei's words made Shen Mi's chest tremble, because she had never thought that far ahead.
And since that day, Li Youwei's words have haunted her like a curse, making her dream for several nights that she was getting married to a strange man whose face she couldn't see clearly, and then the man grabbed the back of her head and kissed her, and Yan Fan stood there. Watching quietly from the side.
Overwhelming regret spread in the dream, why didn't I give it to him the first time, and ended up taking advantage of others.

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