Chapter 9

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Yan Yan took a step towards Shen Mi and said, "Hand."
Shen Mi pursed her lips, hesitated for a second or stretched out the scratched hand hidden behind her back. After all, being coy would look pretentious.
Because he had hidden his hand behind his back and raised his palm, a lot of blood flowed into his palm, which looked a little scary. Yan Fan frowned, turned around and took out the key, "Put your hand up, don't put it down."

He said and turned to open the door . At the door of the medical center, Shen Mi already knew what he was going to do and said quickly: "Uh... it's not serious actually. I'll just go back and put a band-aid on it."
"You have to stop the bleeding first when you put on a band-aid." Yan Rui bowed and opened the door. After pulling up the rolling shutter door, she turned around and met Shen Mi's eyes, "And the wound needs to be disinfected."

If it were before, Shen Mi didn't know how happy she would be, but now, she really doesn't want to trouble her, she It was embarrassing to face him...
Shen Mi lowered her eyes and avoided his gaze, "No need, I'll go back and do it myself."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and left, but after taking a few steps, someone grabbed her schoolbag. live.
She inertly took half a step back, raised her still bleeding hand and turned her head, raising her chin slightly, and what she saw was Yan Yan with a solemn face.

"Qi returns to Qi, but don't hold it against your body." Yan Hong couldn't help but grab Shen Mi's schoolbag strap and pulled her towards the medical center.
Shen Mi's face turned hot. Although she was really not angry with him, being said that made her feel that her behavior was really stingy.

"Don't, don't pull me, I can walk by myself."
Yan Fan paused for a second before letting go of her schoolbag, "Go sit on the sofa while I get the medicine box."
Shen Mi hummed in a low voice and left. He sat down on the wooden sofa and watched Yan Rui lift the curtain of the inner door and walk in. He lowered his eyes and looked at his still bleeding hands, cursing in his heart that he was not living up to expectations. He could open a can and end up like this!

Yan Huang didn't know when he came. If he thought she was deliberately using the bitter meat trick, that would be... After all, she had a history of bitter meat tricks...
Soon, Yan Huang came out with the medicine box. When she sat down next to Shen Mi, Shen Mi moved a little further to the side to increase the distance between the two of them, although the distance was no longer close.

How could Yan Yan not feel that small movement?
He raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Shen Mi, opened the medicine box, and took out the hydrogen peroxide and cotton swab first, "reach over here."
Shen Mi lowered her head, raised her palm, and stretched it out. Yan Yan unscrewed the hydrogen peroxide. He put the bottle cap aside and grabbed her wrist.

Shen Mi's breathing was slightly suffocated, and even the tightening pain in her thumb seemed to disappear in an instant. She could only feel the warmth in Yan Fan's palm, and her five fingers were so strong.

"It will hurt a little, just bear with it." Yan Fan didn't wait for Shen Mi to respond. The bottle in his hand poured out, and the hydrogen peroxide flowed out from the mouth of the bottle, pouring it on the wound on Shen Mi's thumb.

"Hiss—" The pain that had disappeared was awakened, and it was very severe, tearing and burning. Shen Mi's whole little face wrinkled, and her hands instinctively moved back.
Yan Fan had expected it, so he tightened his fingers, paused for two seconds, poured out the bottle, and continued rinsing with hydrogen peroxide.

Shen Mi's teeth were chattering in pain, and she tried hard not to cry out in pain, but physical tears still appeared in her eyes.
Yan Yan raised his eyes and glanced at her, and his eyes fell on the wound again. After washing, the blood stains had been diluted, and the wound emerged. It had been spicy with hydrogen peroxide. The cut flesh was still slightly turned outwards, and blood was still coming out.

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