Chapter 28

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The hotel's thickly carpeted floor was soft, and when Shen Mi stepped out of the elevator, she felt like she was flying into the air with every step she took.
Yan Huang held her arm with one hand and helped her walk towards the end of the corridor, holding the key card in his other hand.
Shen Mi couldn't help but keep glancing at the room card...306...
Suddenly, Yan Ru stopped in his steps, turned around, and raised the hand holding the room card.
'哢——' There was a soft sound, and the closed door opened a crack. Shen Mi's fingertips were slightly clenched, but Yan Fan did not move, and his footsteps remained fixed in place.
After a few seconds, Shen Mi slowly raised her head, and her eyes met his.
He frowned, his face always cold, but his eyes were a little dark.
"Think clearly?"
Shen Mi rolled her throat, which was a bit tight, "Think, think clearly."
Yan Fan's eyes were locked on Shen Mi's nervous little face, he paused for two seconds, lightly chewed his lower lip, and lowered his eyes. The big hand holding Shen Mi's arm tightened, she stretched out her hand to push the door open, and led Shen Mi into the room.
He closed the door without putting the key card into the card slot. The light dimmed instantly. Shen Mi's breath was suffocated. Yan Fan had already turned around and placed his big hand on the collarbone above her chest.
Her back hit the door, not hard, but her heart skipped a beat.
Yan's back was bent, his eyes were parallel to hers, and he deliberately let his long and gentle breath gently brush the tip of her nose, making it warm.
This was the first time that she was so close to him, really... so close...
Her heartbeat skipped a beat and hit her chest hard, and there was a vague swallowing sound in her ears. , Shen Mi felt that her lips and tongue suddenly became dry, and her throat seemed to be blocked by a lump.
Yan Yan's eyes slowly lowered, and his gaze fell on her lips, "I... will be responsible."
The low, hoarse voice, as if it was in the throat, seemed to be saying to her, and it also seemed to be saying to himself.
After all, not to mention Shen Mi, not even he would have thought that he would take advantage of others.
What made him even more unexpected was that when he saw her drinking, the idea of getting her drunk and cooking rice had already formed in his mind.
Of course, if she refuses at this's too late!
It seems that he is just a sanctimonious villain.
Yan Fan sighed inwardly, closed his eyes, tilted his head and kissed her lips.
The touch was soft and warm, and the blood that had been ready to stir suddenly boiled. Especially when she raised her head, opened her lips and teeth and let him go, the boiling blood began to gather in her lower abdomen, and her desire began to swell little by little.
Shen Mi didn't expect that she just didn't want to regret it, but in the end she got a promise. Whether it was true or false, she felt it was worth it!
The soft tongue penetrated from her open lips, brushed her teeth, and curled up on her tongue, from probing to fiery... Her
already dizzy head became more and more dizzy. Shen Mi closed her eyes, her whole body felt weak, and her legs Trembling, she let his hand that was pressed under her collarbone slide down and cover her breasts.
Just like his kiss, no matter how soft and tempting the touch under his palm was, he still didn't dare to be reckless as soon as he put it on it. Instead, he moved his fingers tentatively and then rubbed it gently. He felt that Shen Mi was not overly aggressive. She responded, and the waist he held even softened, so he kneaded it wantonly. But not feeling it was enough, he put his hand through her clothes, pushed her tattooed breast away, and held it.
It felt completely different from the feeling through clothes. Not only was it soft, but the warm skin was as smooth as silk satin. As he kneaded it, a round ball slid in the palm of his hand.
Yan Rui's breathing became faster, the kiss deepened, and his fingertips pinched the erect nipples.
"Hmm..." Shen Mi trembled sensitively, holding her breasts and pulling back. The moans only escaped her throat and were swallowed by Yan Fan.

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