Chapter 18

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Early the next morning, Shen Mi took a can of her grandfather's tea and went to the medical clinic.
When she approached the medical center, although she was not as panicked as before, her heartbeat was still a little accelerated. She couldn't help but slow down her steps. She took a deep breath and exhaled before speeding up again. She walked to the door pretending to be brisk and stepped up the stairs.
In the medical clinic, Yan Yan, who had just cleared the table and wiped it down, was sitting in front of the wooden sofa with hot water ready to make tea.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and saw Shen Mi walking briskly up the stairs with her hands behind her back into the medical center.
"Brother Yan." Shen Mi deliberately smiled sweetly.
Shen Mi's appearance is not beautiful, but she has a pair of cat eyes with upturned ends, a melon-shaped face with a little baby fat, and a pair of small dimples, which makes people feel very sweet and makes people feel inexplicably happy. Have a good impression.
Especially when she smiles, her eyes will curve into crescents, the corners of her lips will turn up, and her dimples will be exposed. She is so sweet and well-behaved that people can't help but want to rub her head.
And under her deliberate control, her smile was even more sweet than words. Not only did she feel in a good mood, but she also had a touch of girlish charm.
Yan Fan suddenly felt that the thorn in his throat came out. He paused for a second and then gently tugged on his lower lip. "Looks like he's in a good mood."
After saying these words, Yan Fan's chest shook. He didn't understand why he suddenly felt so nervous. He said such an incomprehensible word and felt very sour!
Fortunately, his voice was always cold, and Shen Mi, who was always 'considerate', didn't notice anything was wrong, so she smiled and replied, "Hey, that's okay."
After she finished speaking, Yan Hong was a little confused because of his slip of the tongue just now. Chaos, no words, the surrounding air suddenly fell silent.
Shen Mi held the tea can behind her back and clenched her fingertips. She looked around deliberately and asked knowingly, "Uh... where is Grandpa Yan?"
Did he even forget that his grandpa would go to the flower and bird market on weekends?
Yan Fan tried his best to ignore the discomfort in his heart, and the corners of his lips curved slightly, "He went to the flower and bird market this weekend."
"Oh... I even brought him tea..." Shen Mi lost her voice.
"I'm just about to make tea. Come and sit and wait for him. He should be back in half an hour."
She didn't expect that Yan Yan would take the initiative to invite her to drink tea with her. Just now she was still thinking about what she should look for. It’s an excuse to have a couple of cups of tea and chat with him a little more!
She was almost flattered. Shen Mi didn't even show any politeness. She smiled and nodded repeatedly. She calmly picked up the low stool placed by the door, put it down in front of the coffee table, and sat down opposite Yan Yan.
After all, this was the first time Yan Rui took the initiative to invite her...well, of course, except for that coffee!
"I gave this to Grandpa Yan from my grandfather. I remember he liked to drink it before." Shen Mi smiled and placed the tea can on the coffee table, pretending to be cute.
Yan Yan looked at the dimples on her cheeks, paused and lowered his eyes, picked up the tea clip and opened the lid of the sterilizer, "Thank you."
"Hey, you're welcome." Shen Mi smiled awkwardly and put it on her knees. His hands were twisted together nervously.
Yan Yan placed two cups on the tea tray, closed the lid, and took out a can of black tea from the bottom of the coffee table.
Shen Mi was slightly stunned, "Would you like to drink black tea?"
Yan Yan paused and raised his eyes to look at her, "Don't you like drinking green tea?"
"..." He actually remembered! wrong! He actually noticed it!
Shen Mi's heart throbbed, her lips slightly opened, and she paused for two seconds before finding her voice, "Ha...actually it's not bad, I also like to drink green tea."

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