Unpleasant Talks

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Braeden's POV

Later that night, after training, I was hanging out with the guys. Since we've become professional heroes, we don't have to go to school anymore, so we turned Spex's facility into our home. We each get our own rooms, then there's our training room of course. There's the hub, where we receive missions from Spex, who's monitoring the public. There's a dining hall, where there's this giant kitchen. We have a pool that we use for training and occasionally for fun in the summer time, and lastly, the game room.

The game room was everyone's favorite spot. We had multiple consoles, super comfortable chairs, and a giant tv that we'd watch movies on too. That's where we all liked to hangout when we weren't training, and that's where the 5 of us were on our way to now.

"Wait so let me just get this straight." Lenny started.

"Okay." I said.

"You want to ask out Valé again." He spoke. "But you're nervous to even though you already did before? And you guys have also already kissed before?"

"Yep." I nodded. "You got it right."

"Yeah you're cooked." Lenny said.

"Wha-?! How?!" I exclaimed.

"Relax he's messing with you." Lee said. "But I really don't get what you're so nervous for."

"Our last date got interrupted." I said. "What if she thinks I'm only asking her out because- uh..."

"You don't even have a reason." Said Declan. "Just ask her out. Everyone knows that she's in love with you."

"Didn't she literally tell you to your face that she loved you at the dance last year?" Dylan said.

"T-That was a year ago! Her feelings could've changed. And what about Lee and Declan?! I don't see you two asking out Callie or Capri?" I said.

"You can't rush these things." Declan said nonchalantly. "Besides, I've already got Capri wrapped around my finger."

"...Right." Said Lee. "Anyway, I'm working on Callie, just waiting for the right time to-"

"Shut up!" Declan hissed as we saw Valé, Capri, and Callie heading our way down the hall.

"Did you guys want to try that new ice cream shop?" Valé said.

"Oh my gosh yes! I've heard only good things about it so far!" Said Capri.

"Speak of the devil." Dylan smirked. "Or devils in this case."

Valé, Capri, and Callie stopped when they saw us.

"Ladies." Declan winked at them.

"Where are you headed?" Lenny said.

"We're about to go get ice cream." Callie said.

"I wonder who's idea that was." I smirked at Valé, which made her blush. "You just can't say no to that sweet tooth of yours."

"I can't help it sometimes..." She sweat dropped and rubbed the back of her head.

"Where's Tirza at?" Dylan asked. "Doesn't she usually hang with you guys?"

"She's still asleep." Lenny said. "She probably won't be awake again until tomorrow."

"Her new power really took a toll on her." Said Callie. "I still feel bad."

"Don't." Capri said. "It's okay Cal. This was what she wanted."

"She's right." Lenny said. "She'll wake up and feel good as new."

"Now come on let's go!" Capri smiled as she grabbed Callie's arm.

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