The Legion Of Liberators

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Daniel's POV

We arrived back in Richmond. Richmond... I haven't been here since I was apart of that... pointless apprentice program.

The streets were completely silent. Not a single car or person. Moments later, we stood in front of Waycorp.

"Now..." Said Corvin. "It begins."

Capri's POV

I sprung awake when the alarms began blaring throughout the entire facility, and my room door flew open.

"Capri..." Tirza stood at the door. "We're up."

Moments later, everyone in the facility stood before Spex in the hub. We were all dressed wearing our hero outfits.

"I'm sorry for such a late call guys, but Waycorp was broken into." Spex said.

"How? You'd think they would have some of the best security in the country." Vix asked.

"They do." Said Spex. "Previously when those thieves stole from the facility, it was from one of their transport trucks. Getting into the actual facility itself is an incredibly difficult feat. But whoever broke into Waycorp did it with ease. They destroyed all security too."

"What did they steal?" Willis asked.

"Cell activation fluid." Said Spex. "Seems to be a hot topic among thieves recently."

"So you want us to go stop them?" Said Hector.

"You got it." Spex said. "I'm counting on you all, but be careful."

"Don't worry Spex." Preston said. "We don't always need the Upper 5 here to take care of hero work. We're just as capable."

"Yup." I smiled. "We got this!"

"I know you do." Spex smiled at us." Do your best to stop these villains you guys. Surpass your limits, and go beyond!"

"Yessir!" We all spoke at the same time.

Braeden's POV

It was around 2 am, and I was alone in my hotel room. I couldn't sleep but I wasn't sure why. So I just stared at the ceiling. Thinking.

I was thinking about Diamondback and the Detroit Kings mostly. They shot an elderly woman... even if it wasn't their intention, they were shooting in residential places. I want to put a stop to all of this. Not just for Lamont's sake, but for this entire city.

I then heard a knock at my door. I was confused so it was so late, but I stood up to go answer it. I was both surprised and happy to see Valé. She was wearing small shorts that exposed most of her thighs, and a spaghetti strap shirt that exposed her midriff, and cleavage.

I had never seen Valé with so much exposed skin and I couldn't help but stare at her lucious body. Even her boobs looked so... jiggly.

"Hi." She smiled at me. "Did I wake you up?"

"N-No." I blushed. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Lavana just snores really loudly." She sweat dropped. "Is it okay if I sleep in here... with you?"

My eyes widened and I blushed when she asked that. We haven't slept in the same bed since last year...

"Yeah. Of course." I nodded as I opened the door wider so she could come inside.

We sat down on my bed together, but it didn't take long for both of us to lay down next to each other. Valé moved closer to me, and rested her head on my chest, and laid her hand on me. Then she laid her legs across mine. My heart beat fast and hard when I felt her boobs squish up against me. Her flowery aroma made me feel like I was cuddling in a perfume shop but that made it all the better.

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