Norman Way- The Villain

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3rd Person POV

All around the country, the broadcast of the Upper 5's court case was viewed. People agreed, and disagreed with Norman Way, but regardless, it raised tension in the country on if teenagers could really protect the people.

"No way! Braeden and the other heroes stopped Coltech last year! They saved everyone!"


"Hell yeah brother. Them android's is exactly what we need! Those kids are just gonna mess everything up!"


"I don't want to replace our human heroes but... maybe it's the best choice. This Jin guy seems really scary..."


"Whatever it takes to keep my kids safe. A lot of people died in that big war last year. That can't ever happen again."


"We need our old Upper 5 back! At least they were adults with full developed brains! These delinquents won't know how to deal with Jin and the Legion Of Liberators at all!"

Voices from all around the country were debating on whether the current Upper 5, or Norman Way's Androids were the best for the country.

Even in Detroit Michigan...

"Nah... no way." Said Big Homie as he watched the tv with his mother and Lamont. "They tryna get rid of the Upper 5?!"

"They can't do that! They're true heroes!" Said Lamont.

"I oughtta smack Norman upside his stupid head for this!" Said Reta. "He better leave those babies alone!"

Families and friends of the current Upper 5 watched as well.

"Braeden... oh no..." Jantsen said as she covered her mouth with shock while watching the trial.

"This must be a joke..." Lee's father said as his jaw dropped at the tv.

"What's going on?!" Dylan's dad raged at the tv. "They're treating our son like a villain!"

"This has to be some kind of mistake right...?" His mom said.

"What has that American boy gotten my daughter into...?" Vale's dad said as face palmed with frustration.

"Don't do that. You accepted Braeden a long time ago. He's a hero." Valé's mom said. "Something isn't right about this..."

Braeden's POV

We made it back to the facility, and I slammed the front door with anger.

"We can't let him get away with this." I said. "We have to do something guys, and we have to act now!"

"What? What do you mean?" Declan said.

"Do you really think Norman is going to accept what the judge said?" Said Lee. "The anomalies are at Waycorp right now, and Norman is planning to kill them."

"Both of you are right." Spex said to Lee and I. "I don't care what repurcssions the government gives us, we're taking down Waycorp, and we're doing it tonight!"

Echo's POV

"Come on Echo! You can do it!" Said Minerva.

"I-I'm... t-trying...!" I said as I struggled to climb over the fence.

"Hold on!" Said Kenji as he fired small wind gusts from his hands to propel himself over the fence, then he used another wind gust to give me a boost over it.

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